king of the north... It changes?? never heard of that

by Aussie Oz 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Found this reference on a facebook lurk session, they were discussing that the king of the north is a changing identity. I have never heard that before. I always thought it was identified as russia and that the JW are just wrong. It seems they claim it's a changing identity. I am no longer familier with Daniels prophecy so, yes or no?

    Please read the following article (which harmonizes with what is stated in the publication "Pay Attention To Daniel's Prophecy") and which says in part:

    *** w93 11/1 p. 21 par. 12 The Final Victory of Michael, the Great Prince ***
    So who is the king of the north now? Is he to be identified with one of the countries that were part of the old Soviet Union? Or is he changing identity completely, as he has a number of times before? We cannot say. Who will be the king of the north when Daniel 11:44,45 is fulfilled? Will the rivalry between the two kings flare up again? And what of the huge nuclear stockpiles that still exist in a number of lands? Only time will provide the answers to these questions


  • blondie

    Chart of changing faces of King of the South and King of the North per WTS

    *** Daniel Prophecy (dp) chap. 16 p. 284 The Contending Kings Near Their End ***


    The King of The King of
    the North the South

    Daniel 11:5 Seleucus I Nicator Ptolemy I

    Daniel 11:6 Antiochus II Ptolemy II
    (wife Laodice) (daughter Berenice)

    Daniel 11:7-9 Seleucus II Ptolemy III

    Daniel 11:10-12 Antiochus III Ptolemy IV

    Daniel 11:13-19 Antiochus III Ptolemy V
    (daughter Cleopatra I) Successor: Ptolemy VI
    Seleucus IV and
    Antiochus IV

    Daniel 11:20 Augustus

    Daniel 11:21-24 Tiberius

    Daniel 11:25, 26 Aurelian Queen Zenobia

  • blondie

    Problem posting everything:

    Daniel 11:25, 26 Aurelian Queen Zenobia
    The Roman Empire
    breaks down

    Daniel 11:27-30a German Empire Britain, followed by
    (World War I) the Anglo-American
    World Power

    Daniel 11:30b, 31 Hitler’s Third Reich Anglo-American
    (World War II) World Power

    Daniel 11:32-43 Communist bloc Anglo-American
    (Cold War) World Power

    Daniel 11:44, 45 Yet to rise Anglo-American
    World Power

  • BluesBrother

    Yet to rise

    It has been thus for the past 20 years or more...I know we are talking World Powers but isn't it rather a long time?

    Since the two powers are supposed to both be there pushing each other at the end - and in vs 44 -45 the K of N has to "Go forth in a great rage", then "Plant his palatial tents between the great sea and the holy mountain of Decoration" , all before the end...then he had better appear PDQ.....

    Or maybe the WTS just got it all wrong???

  • undercover

    Linking BB's post and Blondie's list, if the KotN was to actually run over the KotS, then how is it that the KotS in the form of the Britain/Anglo-American world power has withstood 3 KotNs so far (Germany WW1, Germany WW2 and the USSR)? Those KotNs haven't evolved, they were either soundly whipped or disintegrated from within, all ceasing to exist.

    And BB has a good point. If the KotN is to run all over the KotS, then somebody better step up to the plate 'cause Armageddon is imminent. Haven't any of these world leaders attended the conventions this year?

    This is another area where the Society has painted themselves into a corner and don't really have a way out. I think the Daniel's prophecy book was a weak attempt at shutting up all the dubs that were confused about the USSR/communism failing and how that impacted JW prophecy. Not much is said about Daniel and his prophecies these days, is it? Another, "let's just keep quiet and hope they forget" tactic.


    Nothing has Changed..

    I have always been..

    "King of The Great White North!"..

    .................... ...OUTLAW

  • straightshooter

    The WTS always covers themselves by saying that prophesy often times is not recognized as being fulfilled until AFTER IT HAPPENED. Therefore the WTS may not know the identify of the KotN until after Armageddon.

  • HappyGuy

    a prophecy that you don't know is a prophecy until after it happens? HUH????

    That sort of defeats the purpose of being PROPHETIC does it not?

    What total nonsense.

  • PSacramento
    a prophecy that you don't know is a prophecy until after it happens? HUH????
    That sort of defeats the purpose of being PROPHETIC does it not?
    What total nonsense.

    S much easier to be prohetic AFTER the fact and to interpret things ot confrom to prohecy.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Like i figured it had to be, it seems it's not one of those 'we are right' prophecies until it suits.

    Like all prophecies. Always getting changed. what a load of crap used to create fears.

    my ex is the witch of the north. am i then the warlock of the south i wonder!

    BLONDIE: where do get all this info so quick!


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