Adams naming of the animals?

by buffalosrfree 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • buffalosrfree

    May 1, 1968 p 271 has been sited on another post and it goes, Thus, adam's naming of the animals. Just who in the hell was he naming them for. Wasn't he doing this prior to having Eve. What the hell did he need a language for if God hadn't decided he needed a mate? What was the purpose of naming them? Lions, and tigers, and bears huh!

    Which particular animal was killed so that Adam and Eve could have clothing? guess that sewing was also instituted too?? Just a few little questions that I've had wondering around in my head. Buff

  • Thirdson

    God: "Adam, what have you named that striped little critter there?"

    Adam: "I have named it Mephitis mephitis

    God: "Interesting choice Adam, why that particular name?"

    Adam: "Well, I was observing it closely and it peed on me. It sort of smelt like a Mephitis mephitis. I still smell now."

    God: (sniff) "Ah, yes they do that. Me and the angels call it a skunk. But you're the expert. Keep up the good work laddy."


    As for the clothes, woolly mammoth skins. Men, not knowing any better caused the mamouth to go extinct, replicating God's tailoring skills.

    Here's another question. Who invented swords then since this weapon barred the way back to Eden?


  • cellomould

    Hey Thirdson,

    that was a good question, about who invented the sword.
    I put that question to a friend of mine about a year and a half ago.

    His reply "well God did".

    And of course that's the only alternative. But this does not make sense. Why would God invent the sword?

    And even if he did, how would Adam have conveyed the word for sword or even the method for manufacturing it to his children outside of the garden?

    Adam learned metallurgy? What did he eat if he spent all his time mining for iron? Must rule that out. What was the sword made of? Wood?

    That one really makes no sense.

    The bible is replete with such anachronisms!


    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

  • zerubberballz

    Dear Brothers,

    God having Adam and Eve discard thier fig leaves for animal skins is clearly an edict against the wearing of natural fibre and other materialistic clothing. This is why, for us true followers of aYeHiWoHu it's either buffalo or buff. Listen O lost house of Israel.. come .. join with buff bros Fred Flintstone and Barney Rumble .. now with pure thoughts and all godly piety rise up, strip youselves bare and cover your offensive parts with the nearest animal you can find.

    groan... FundyBruce

  • indireneed

    I assume that Adam named them in the 'perfect' Hebrew language. Maybe the Witnesses should start learning Hebrew so that they are ready for the dawn of the Milennium . . .

    I also suppose that the left-handed people are actually more 'perfect' than right-handed people since writing Hebrew is easier for south paws due to its right to left orientation . . .

    I'm going to go find myself a Mephti Mephti and break out my Hebrew grammar . . .

  • RunningMan

    Along the line of the dead animal skins, here is another question:

    The Bible tells us that Abel was a shepherd, yet humans did not
    eat meat until after the flood. What was he doing with all those
    sheep? (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)

    Also, when he sacrificed, he killed a sheep and offered up the fatty parts.
    Did he just wast the rest of the sheep?

    And, since there were only four people alive on the earth at the time, it
    seems a little strange that Abel would spend all of his time playing with
    his pet sheep, while Cain was out working on the farm.

  • mindfield

    About the sword thing:

    I did a talk about that once... it's in a Question from Readers. Apparently, Moses wrote the Eden story only way after it happened. The sword was just his representation of what the force field (or whatever) looked like. Swords had been invented by then.

    Or so the Question from Readers explain...

  • radar


    ".......The sword was just his representation of what the force field (or whatever) looked like. Swords had been invented by then."

    Hmmm, So the Watchtower is saying people should not take the Adam and Eve Story literally ? Interesting how JWs and Chrisrian apologists try to make a round peg fit a square hole.


  • Thirdson

    There are lots of internal inconsistancies in the first few chapters of Genesis to pick at which shows its mythological heritage.

    I imagined that the word "sword" was the closest decription to the rotating blade that barred the least when I was a dub. However, the WTS illustrations show a double edged sword complete with hilt.

    I have previously posted an article on snakes in Eden, the legged ones that existed prior to the fall of man. The WTS used to depict the serpent that way at one time.


    I think you missed my (poor) attempt at humor. I imagined Adam naming the animals following modern conventions and using latin. I guess before Adam had a mate and tested his manly bits he was of the species homo non-erectus


  • Hojon

    That's an interesting point about the swords. I imagine if the Bible had been written 100 years ago the angels would have had rifles barring the way back to Eden.

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