Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 11-29-09 WT Study (GOD DELIVER)

by blondie 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    All this just to make a simple point complicated. The simple version is that the "ransom sacrifice" is a pay one price for all you can waste. As much as Jehovah tries to hype the cost, the truth is that the marginal cost (that is, the cost to include each person after the first) is ZERO! That's right, it cost Jehovah NOTHING extra to include you. Yet, it cost mankind sacrifices of materials, energy, and time for this zero marginal cost to Jehovah.

    Also, the whole thing is a complete scam. Once you realize that Jesus died trying to set mankind free from Jehovah and not to provide a ransom sacrifice, this whole article loses all its value. Jehovah set the whole thing up so there would be an "original sin", so He could extort sacrifices out of us to "redeem" us. Notably, the "sin" is simply wanting to be able to do what one wants, not having everything we do being what that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag tells us to.

  • teel
    "He and his Son had enjoyed associating together for countless millions, perhaps even billions, of years."
    Why even open up this cosmological can of worms Watchtower?

    Moreso because a God can't possibly be conceived as being bound by time. Scientists pretty much aggree that time is a property of our known Universe - outside it has no meaning to talk about time, just like you can't talk about space. A God that is bound by time is a weak god bound by forces he can't control.

  • BluesBrother

    I do not think that I ever really bought into the "ransom" doctrine.. I mean that I did accept it and taught it from the platform when it came up, but I could never really grasp it deep down viscerally as being for me..

    I do not know enough about the mainstream Christian teaching to say what they teach, but now I look at it and I can't help asking myself , "why?" Surely there must have been a simpler way to "put right what Satan and Adam did wrong". If God can make the rules why choose those rules for himself?

    The article yesterday was very basic and superficial with a running illustration of the sickness, that seemed a banal illustration.

    Par 14 "Can you begin to imagine Abraham's pain as he prepared to offer up his son"...No because I cannot put myself in the position of choosing to kill a son..Who can ? and if God knew that Jesus was going to be resurrected to glory, then his "sacrifice " was not real , was it?

    BTW Simon Morley seems to have got the handle on what it takes to conduct a WT study...They do not want 'proper' answers these days ..

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    The big problem I had with the hospital "illustration" is that in the real JW conclusion of the matter, the doctor only claims to have a cure. He goes around the hospital selling a phoney placebo that cures nobody! He says it is the solution to their disease, but patients continue to die. Those that buy into his "cure" die just the same as all the others, yet they have wasted money and effort that could have been directed toward something real that might improve their condition. That's the way with the JW cure for sin. They claim to have the "cure", yet the District Crapventions are still chock full of sick and elderly. Dubs continue to die, even faster since they refuse some medical care that could help them. Do the sheeples still sin even after buying into the JW "cure"? You can bet your 3-man judicial committee they're still sinners!

    The big problem I have with the "parallels", types, antitypes, prototypes, etc. between the ancient Mosaic Law sacrifices and Jesus sacrifice is the flawful overanalysis by WT. So, why would Jesus represent both the High Priest AND the sacrificial animal? It didn't work that way in Jerusalem. Did Jesus actually splatter blood on God in heaven? What did all the guts and dung from the sacrificial animals represent? If the value of the Mosaic sacrifices in Israel was applied immediately, why has mankind been suffering for thousands of years after Jesus presented the propitiatory sacrifice of his perfect life? Wasn't God pleased with that or is he really wanting more and more Christians to die sinfully? I'll stop there...

    The big problem I have with the "cost to Jehovah" to send his 'beloved son to suffer and die' is that it is so horribly overstated in the context of this farticle. Earlier in the lesson, they stated that a thousand years to man is just one day to Jehovah. Do the math. If Jesus lived on earth, separated from his father, for 34 years, that's 3.4% of one thousand years. Now, 3.4% of a human 24 hour day is less than 50 minutes. So, what human father busts into tears when his kid takes an hour nap? Yes, Jesus suffered and died. That's like a few minutes that Jehovah could completely undo. Yeah, big "cost to Jehovah". It just sounds so terribly uncaring toward the suffering of the parents who've lost an infant in death, and really have something to lose, grieve, and mourn. Or in this example where Jehovah has put Abraham to an evil test to try his obedience. "Abraham, slaughter your son like a beast!" Abraham didn't have the power to resurrect and why would he expect Jehovah to resurrect the same person he ordered slaughtered? Sounds more like Jehovah loves seeing slaughter, regardless of whose children it is.

    Thanks Blondie!

  • AllTimeJeff

    Blondie, great job as ususal...

    So, why would Jesus represent both the High Priest AND the sacrificial animal? It didn't work that way in Jerusalem. Did Jesus actually splatter blood on God in heaven? What did all the guts and dung from the sacrificial animals represent? If the value of the Mosaic sacrifices in Israel was applied immediately, why has mankind been suffering for thousands of years after Jesus presented the propitiatory sacrifice of his perfect life? Wasn't God pleased with that or is he really wanting more and more Christians to die sinfully? I'll stop there...

    LOL!!!! So true. Once a month there is a special talk given after the bethel family WT study. When I was there, one of them was about the parallels of the Mosaic law sacrfices and how they lead us to Jesus....

    As I had already burned through that at Gilead, and knew what was next thanks to my fancy pants notes in my bible, I relaxed and watched all the youngin Bethelites react to the talk. For sure, most were earnest. And that is as much as I can say. Because it seemed like they were all poised for that "I get it" moment where they could then email everyone about how special bethel is, and how special they are for being at bethel (sorry for the rant....).

    But they didn't. I swear, it was the blankest looks, and bethel has plenty of blank looks with legs. Totally hillarious trying to wrap their mind around JW applications of the Mosaic law.

    After a small chuckle to myself, I went to my room to study for the next test, wondering what the hell I had gotten myself into.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "bethel has plenty of blank looks with legs"

    That's what "divine education" will get you.

  • purplesofa

    Paragraph 10

    I hear and obey
    I hear and obey
    I hear and obey
    I hear and obey
    I hear and obey
    I hear and obey
    I hear and obey

    come on you all can do it.

    I hear and obey
    I hear and obey

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