Look what I found!

by agonus 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • agonus


    Check it out at 3:11 (think about the numerical significance)...


    Gears are turning...

  • Larsinger58



    Check out page 445 where December 25th is the "Annunciation to Mary". That is the time when the heavenly nature of Christ as Michael the archangel COMBINED with human flesh.

    If you follow the video, you will see at 1:27 that the SUN GOD is linked to Jesus Christ.

    December 25th was originally the winter solstice when initiated as the birthday of Mithras, the Satanic usurper of Christ as the Sun. But because the calendar was not perfected and didn't have leap years, etc. going back in time, the solstices and equinoxes fell later and later on the Julian calendar. Thus during the Neo-Babylonian times when investigating astronomical events, the spring equinox would fall around the 28th of March. It is now the 21st of March and is consistent. So over time the date got earlier and earlier over 2500 years. The same with the solstices. Now the winter solstice consistently falls on December 21st, the summer solstice on June 21st. The spring equinox on March 21st (Rosie McDonald's birthday! no relation) and the autumnal equinox on September 21st.


    Meaning originally the birth of Mithras on the 25th matched the winter solstice at that time. The were the same date when Christmas was established. But since then, the solstice has moved and stabilized on December 21st, even though Christmas is still celebrated on the 25th. It's rather ironic, but we can see through this. Clearly, Jesus Christ as the "bright morning star" in the Bible is linked to the Sun, or at least the physical manifestation of Christ ("transmigration" from spirit to flesh) occurs around the time of the solstice, December 21st.

    There seems to be even more cosmological significance to this because in 2 BC the lunar months aligned very closely to the solar months, so that the winter solstice in 3 BC, when the transmigration would take place, caused the 8th day of the Festival of Booths, the date Jesus was circumcised, to fall very near the autumnal equinox. Thus there is a suggestive alignment of certain events regarding Jesus that has astronomical-astrological significance.

    That's why the Mayan calendar's end of an age on the solstice, December 21, 2012 cannot be ignored. It is Biblically significant as well as cultically significant in regards to the Christ and the connection of Christ to the sun.

    This is the basis of the 3-1/2 days of death of the "two witnesses" at the time of the second coming in 1992. There seems to be a "competition" or a window in the ASTRONOMY vs the ASTROLOGY of the birth of the Sun between December 21st and December 25th. The difference is 3-1/2 days. Thus technically, while the "two witnesses" prophesied the coming of Christ on December 21, 1992 (astronomically significant) it was interrupted by Satan through the UN and the WTS, who was a member of the UN at the time, having just joined that year, so that it was delayed by 3-1/2 days so that the 2nd coming messiah was "born" on the pagan (astrologically significant) holiday of Christmas.

    Of course, Jehovah killed Fred Franz the next day on the 22nd of December 1992 for his involvement, keeping in mind the WTS officially joined the UN in 1992. Coincidence? Not likely. It's time to WAKE UP!! BTG is now being exposed!!!


  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason

    When my Mum was a young girl in Vienna (born 1911), Christmas was celebrated on 6 December.


  • agonus


    Um, Lars - in case you missed my point, it was this:

    WTF is God's Plan of the Ages doing in a video by a guy in the Sanctum Regnum - not to mention, it's the image the guy chose as his icon?

    Oh, and in case "Sanctum Regnum" doesn't ring any bells, how about "Golden Dawn" and "Alesteir Crowley"?

  • agonus

    6 December? Really? What's the significance? (if any)

  • Satanus

    Looks like charlie russel borrowed from golden dawn, the chart, some terminology and the general idea of a new age. It would be interesting to see more exactly how much coincided between golden dawn and ct russel. Golden dawn was started by rosicrisians, who are a subset of the freemasons.


  • Doug Mason
    Doug Mason


    Lars was trying to make some big deal about Dec 25, and I am pointing out that even as recently as 100 years ago, Christmas was not universally celebrated on the day he makes such a fuss about. I assume some might be interested in searching the truth of the gradual shift from Dec 6 (with Grampus and Black Peter) to Dec 25.

    Further, I don't see anything religious being contemplated on 25 December, what with feasting (pork included) and barbecues, Santa Claus, selfishness, spending money, wild partying, and the focus on all things secular being the theme of the day.


  • bohm

    lars: christ jesus was clearly born on the 8th of december. how do i know that? take 2010, the date i previously established as the date the world will end. Now subtract the date of jesus second pressence (1914) and you get: 2010-1914 = 96. Then divide by jesus 12 apostles and you get 8. So thats the 8th of december (the 12th month, notice the numerical significance?) where he was born! it all match! where am i going with this? i dont know.. actually i have no idea why jesus birth had something to do with the video, but it sure is fun to ramble :-)

    okay seriously.. What i am thinking is that this may just be a piece of graphics he found on the web and was sufficiently nutty for his movie.. but it would be fun if there was a deeper connection :-)

  • ziddina

    Agonus, thanks for posting this! Satanus, thanks for clarifying and pointing out the most significant aspects of his post.


  • Larsinger58


    okay seriously.. What i am thinking is that this may just be a piece of graphics he found on the web and was sufficiently nutty for his movie.. but it would be fun if there was a deeper connection :-)


    The "deeper connection" you say?

    Well, the deeper connection is that B'nai B'rith, the Jewish organization that paid Russell and the WTS all those funds to promote Zionism makes a direct connection with Kabbalism! Of course, the money influenced the doctrination.

    The direct link between JWs and the secret Jewish societies is why they were targets of the Nazis! Not because they didn't like blood transfusions or thought Jesus was Michael the Archangel. They were considered a spying arm of the Jewish underground.

    Now we learn the "Plan of the Ages" and pyramidology are directly connected with Satanism and the Kabbala? What a big surprise!

    The Bible prophesied the corruption of the WTS by Freemasonry in the parable of the "wheat and weeds." It says that when the wheat was planted, the Devil came and planted weeds, so that when both came up the weeds were already there. That means the WTS was corrupted early on, as evidenced by JF Rutherford trying to make CT Russell the "Faithful and Wise Servant" and the "angel of the congregation of Laodicea", a concept they later dropped in 1927. PYRAMIDOLOGY? What has that got to do with the Bible? Nothing. It's Satanism.

    But, since true elect were already gathered in this "flock", it was decided to let the "wheat and weeds grow up together until the harvest". That is, God would wait until the 2nd coming before he would separate the wheat from the weeds within this organization, or the "sheep from the goats."

    Anyway, we know where the DIVINE PLAN OF THE AGES came from. We know where the winged sun disk came from. We know why Russell is buried under a seeing-eye pyramid. The Jews financed the WTS just like they financed lots of other organizations to accomplish their goals.

    Now Jehovah has cast out the WTS and taken his faithful sheep out as he has 'other sheep, not of this fold" (i.e. not the fold of JWs).

    Everything has happened just as prophesied, including the second coming in 1992 and the apostasy of the WTS GB.

    We are now looking at potential Armageddon by 2011 AD?

    Christ eats the scrolls which is sweet to taste but bitter to the stomach. That's what this is. It's wonderful the millennium is coming, but it also means 2/3rds of the population will not be part of the millennium. Bittersweet.


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