An Apology ..... (of sorts)

by AllTimeJeff 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • AllTimeJeff

    Opinions are like certain orifices, everyone has one.

    It's only if you insist that yours is the only one in the room that counts that you become like certain orifices......

    With that in mind, I wish to offer a small but sincere apology to all members of our unique little community on JWN. (that even includes Perry)

    Now mind you, I don't apologize for the views I have, esp my political ones. And I don't feel that my arguments or the reasons behind them are any less relevant then my right handed political foils.

    But I do regret when I over argue my points.

    Why I even go beyond stating my views with posters here such as Perry, or Deputy Dog, (and others who I choose to ignore) is beyond me. But I knew a long time ago, that they aren't changing.

    For that matter, I wonder if they realize, that I/WE aren't changing either!

    Suffice to say, some debates of late have become too personal, and have distorted the arguments. While I am confident my intents in these debates are relatively clear for anyone who can read them all and not get cross eyed, I wish to clarify that I don't hate anyone, as one has accused me of. I don't hate Christians. I was married in an Episcopalian Church, and my in laws are Christian. They actually act like Christ, and I love them. If ever I was to be a Christian, I would be like them. I think Jesus would approve.

    I used a poor choice of words in saying that I hate certain world views. It is more accurate to say that I hate what many of these polarizing views cause, such as real hate crimes against gays, the mis-treatment of women, etc.

    Having said that, I am still at odds over many "right handed" views, esp social ones. And for anyone who quotes the likes of Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, or even Palin (bless your heart), well, I will be there to counter those statements or opinions.

    But I have acted in a way that even I disagree with. So I apologize for allowing it to get personal.

    I can't control what anyone thinks, and while I do care what (most of) you think, it isn't to a point where I am staying up at night. This apology is primarily because I think I was wrong, and when I am wrong, I do at least try to admit it.

    Otherwise, its THANKSGIVING!! I wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving, and a great start to the holiday season.

    (....even Perry)

  • musky

    Are you trying to start something!!

    I appreciate your comments here ATJ

  • garyneal

    Have to admit, you and Perry did get down in the mud. There was a couple of times that I wanted to tell you two to behave.

    But you both made some good points, I just see you two as being on opposite sides of the political spectrum so I guess when you two start a debate, it is fireworks.

    Since you did not say a lot to my comments, I guess I was one of the guys you 'ignore.' That's fine. To each his own.

  • AllTimeJeff


    I apologize to you, and I am not doing that out of guilt. I responded to Perry instead of you, but that wasn't because of your opinion or you. I got too focused on one poster, and I shouldn't have done that.

    That's what I mean about getting personal. I contributed to a bad debate by how I chose to proceed. Mea culpa.

    I hope that won't discourage you from sharing your thoughts in the future. I promise you, Perry, BTS, or me aren't worth it.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    It's starting to feel like the wrong time of month at a Catholic school slumber party around here.

  • AllTimeJeff
    It's starting to feel like the wrong time of month at a Catholic school slumber party around here.


    Doe, next time, get the ones with wings....

  • Chalam

    Wazzup Jeff!

    Who cares about the debate, it's all hot air ;)

    I was married in an Episcopalian Church, and my in laws are Christian. They actually act like Christ, and I love them. If ever I was to be a Christian, I would be like them. I think Jesus would approve.

    Now this is good news :)

    Blessings, Stephen
  • AwSnap

    ATJ...soooo, what are you trying to say...? Maybe if you were a little more upfront... I think its very mature to acknowledge who you are. Props to you!

  • journey-on

    I counted 45 "I's" this time in your back door apology, ATJ. I bet you can't pass by a mirror without looking at

  • AllTimeJeff
    I counted 45 "I's" this time in your back door apology, ATJ. I bet you can't pass by a mirror without looking at

    Well, Head and Shoulders does 7 great things for my head and scalp!

    Journey-on, I knew you would read this, so I (meaning me) put for the greatest of effort to avoid referring to myself in the first person whenever possible.

    It didn't work out as well as uh, the person who is currently writing this would have preferred.

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