I need your opinion, helping a love one see the “light”

by tjlibre 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • tjlibre

    Hi all,

    I’ll have a long weekend this week because of the Thanksgiving holyday. I made plans to have the entire weekend off with no activities in order to have time to begin to “awake” my wife. I don’t plan to lay everything out in one day, nor take the approach of “we are living this organization”, rather, I’m taking the approach of “here is some information that WE should consider and think about”. Because I understand that it could be overwhelming to a semi-hardcore JW. I would like for you to give me your opinion.

    I’m debating on what should be the proper approach to weaken the blind trust in the Watchtower (GB) doctrines and direction. This is what I’m thinking of doing,

    1) Present and discuss the WT “circular reasoning” technique. (I’m sure most of you are familiar with this by now).

    2) Discuss the basis that the WT use to say that they were selected in 1919, then show that in 1919 they were still doing the same thing that other Christian churches were doing.

    3) Then move on to present in summary the following:

    a. Wrong dates, 1799,1874,1914,1925,1975

    b. Change in medical policies, vaccines, organ transplants, blood fractions.

    c. The changes in the “generation” teaching.

    d. How they called themselves a “prophet”

    Then ask, because of all these errors and misinterpretation, Do you think that they are really directed by the Holy Spirit?

    4) Then discuss the WT dishonesty, hypocrisy, double standards and manipulation of information.

    a. Child pedophilia handling

    b. UN NGO membership

    c. Investment in war

    d. How they lied about the reason from switching from selling the literature to a contribution basis.

    e. The expansions of their facilities while discouraging the R&F’s from improving their lives through education, better jobs, etc.

    Then ask, why are they so dishonest with us? Don’t you think it’s hypocritical that they can be a member of the UN and we can’t join or go to a YMCA or openly contribute to the Red-Cross?

    Then conclude by showing some clips from ex-moonies and ex-mormons and if she allows me, depending on her emotional state, show her some ex-jw clips, testimonies, etc.

    I would like for you to tell me what you have done to help others see the “light”, what worked, what didn’t worked, what would you have done differently, etc. Any other ideas?

  • leavingwt

    I would go slow and discuss FEELINGS.

    Example: How would you feel if your loved one died, because he didn't receive Clotting Factor VIII or a blood fraction -- prior to these things being APPROVED by Watchtower?

  • lepermessiah

    4) Then discuss the WT dishonesty, hypocrisy, double standards and manipulation of information.

    a.c hild pedophilia handling

    This is the only one that has made any headway with me recently. I have had several "Come to Jesus" meetings with various family members, and this is the one point where the "NEW LIGHT" argument doesnt get thrown in my face.

    I told my family members that based on my own personal experiences as an elder and an incident within my own family where a loved one was abused, those were enough to disgust me. Once I read several of the court cases that Barbara Anderson posted on her site, I have several more round of ammo to use. Several of my family members are at least considering the information i have shared and at least have an understanding of why I feel the way I do. I still get the "wait on Jehovah" argument at times, but not very strong. If holy spirit appoints men, why do they bounce pedophiles around to other halls like the Catholic Church has been skewered for?

    LeavingWT is right, and I have used the S-L-O-W approach as well. If you come out both guns blazing, you might cause way too much damage. I have had to back way off a couple of times since I hit a few nerves on occasion.

  • EndofMysteries

    None of those will work. Also depends on the end reason for what your doing. If really trying to help, then lead by example, get real heavy in bible reading, and having Jehovah and the BIBLE change your life. Bringing out scriptures, and somebody slowly seeing how things are NOT going in harmony with the bible. The instant somebody who fully believes in faithful slave things apostate thinking is happening, will block it out mentally.

  • creativhoney

    Yes I agree with EOM. - In this case I also will hasten to add that there is no such thing as apostasy, which is what the Hindus say. - they say truth takes many forms.

    but in the case of JWs who say apostasy is someone who turns their back and tries to take others down, - I say, we all have free will and our own minds. people will believe only what their heart tells them to. - if someone leaves the JW org its not because someone told them to, its because their heart told them to, ergo they led themselves away and no one else is responsible for it.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Won't work. The WTS has conditioned its members to be dismissive and aggresive when such questions are asked. It's a path to failure if you ask me...

    BTW, I was able to help my wife "see the light", but it took patience and time. Read my posts to see how it worked for me (as well as posts by JWD member openmind).

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Won't work. The WTS has conditioned its members to be dismissive and aggresive when such questions are asked. It's a path to failure if you ask me...

    BTW, I was able to help my wife "see the light", but it took patience and time. Read my posts to see how it worked for me (as well as posts by JWD member openmind).

  • pat1060

    Well with all that information,you convinced me.But I agree with creativhoney,- if someone leaves the JW org its not because someone told them to, its because their heart told them to, ergo they led themselves away and no one else is responsible for it.Of all the information my husband said to me to convince me,in the end it was my own conclusion that I listened to.Pick on something she is concerned about .Stay awake to her comments.Be patient.Good luck my friend..

  • Georgiegirl

    Agree w/ Pat1060. Find out why SHE believes it is the truth. All the other information in the world won't sway her if it's not important to her. What is HER core reason? Then figure out what approach to take.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    Don't forget what you learned in the KH. It would be extremely rare to go from Genesis to Revelation in one sitting. So, you just give them something that will work on the first visit. If it's a kid, tell them about God's promise of pet lions for everybody. If it's somebody old, tell them about God's promise of eternal life in youthful perfection. You have to wait for several more indoctrination sessions before you can break the news that all their non-JW relatives will be destroyed and birds will peck out their eyeballs at the big A.

    So, you know your wife best. Can you mention that someone at work confronted you with something about JW pedophiles and hush money paid?


    Or someone confronted you on the blood issue and you couldn't respond reasonably and defend the current JW stand.

    Or were you shocked to read that everyone except JWs believes that Jerusalem was destroyed in 586 and nobody else believes it was 607... for good reason.

    Save further reasoning for the return visit.

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