One Congo witch problem solved

by glenster 2 Replies latest social humour

  • glenster

    A recent post showed the problem in the Congo of evangelists
    playing off folk beliefs in witches, instead of educating
    people not to have them, in order to gain popular support for
    their careers. I think we're unanimous that thousands of
    children being branded witches and being abandoned, hurt, or
    killed is horrific. The most prejudiced-against group, in
    that they have the least recourse for abuse, is children.

    A significant part of the problem is that one of the main
    things the children are accused of doing by witchcraft is
    penis snatching:

    "As of 2006, between 25,000 and 50,000 children in Kinshasa,
    Democratic Republic of the Congo, had been accused of witch-
    craft and thrown out of their homes. On April, 2008, Kin-
    shasa, the police arrested 14 suspected victims (of penis
    snatching) and sorcerers accused of using black magic or
    witchcraft to steal (make disappear) or shrink men's penises
    to extort cash for cure, amid a wave of panic. Arrests were
    made in an effort to avoid bloodshed seen in Ghana a decade
    ago, when 12 alleged penis snatchers were beaten to death by

    I'm sorry that I've only recently learned that this is a widespread problem in
    the Congo. Part of the problem has to include that thousands of Congolese men
    are bravely coming forward and saying they have no penis. How do they go to the
    bathroom--through their noses? Otherwise, they're holding their eeny weenies up
    for public scrutiny, pointing at children, and saying, "It's his fault." This
    could make a fellow unpopular and irritable--no "who let the dogs out?" for

    Sometimes, solutions aren't reached because people who specialize in one con-
    cern don't connect with people who specialize in another. Part of the solution
    is education about folk beliefs. Fortunately, I've also recently learned that
    science has come to the aid as well thanks to the Wake Forest University’s In-
    stitute of Regenerative Medicine:
    "Artificial Penis Research Hops Ahead in Rabbits, Human Tests to Begin"
    "The study used advanced tissue regrowth techniques to create and endow lab
    rabbits with fully functional replacement penises."
    "The research team next plans to start trying to implant regrown human penis

    I think if we have any charity in our hearts regarding deleterious shortages
    in the world, we can't let these men fall through the cracks. We need to en-
    courage everyone to act as one and hold out their advanced penis technology to
    these Congolese men to show them they deserve to hold their own amidst the bur-
    geoning growth of the rest of the world.

  • cameo-d

    Wow. This is something I have never heard of. This is really bizarre. The wiki article says this mass hysteria phenomenom has occurred in other countries through the years.

    How truly wicked that these evangelists would play on the gullability and ignorance of people to make their dishonest living and further their evil agendas. I look for more evangelical activity like this to take place in third world countries if we don't do something to put a stop to it now.

    Another thing that is disturbing...well, it's the same thing that has happened in more "advanced" cultures like USA and UK over the years. Religions have sucked money from the poor and gullable and used it to buy politicians who will pass legislation to make their vocation even more lucrative. Wiki shows that is happening there, also. Their own government is p*wned by the religionists to the detriment of not allowing the ignorant to be educated.


    These panics frequently, but not exclusively, occur in places where access to education—particularly in science and human biology—is limited, or otherwise restricted (for example, when government policies restrict such education).

  • AdaMakawee

    Its happening here too, don't kid yourself. Here the manhood is threatened through homosexuality, and fear of abortion. Wins elections for them. Seems its more important to bring those babies into the world than take care of them after they are here. Don't get me wrong, I'm not selling abortion, I'm just calling out the tactic.


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