New Light ~*~*~Armageddon WAS in 1975 !

by alliwannadoislive 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • alliwannadoislive

    y'know, i was thinking - what if armageddon actually DID come in 1975 ... i mean everyone was told to expect it and did so right ? therefore it's only fitting that we find some way of saying it actually did happen ...

    is this really any different to changing the understanding of the 1914 armageddon into christ's presence ... ahem ... i mean, we could even say that we had an armageddon in 1914 too, then everyone could be right

    in fact we could have an annual armageddon ...

    so are we the survivors into the new world ? it feels like a paradise to me !

  • Satanus

    Armageddon happened invisibly, as did christs coming, casting down of satan, judging of babylon, choosing of the wt.

  • unclebruce

    well alliwannadoislive,

    if an Archduke Fredinand hadn't shot an ostrich in the sorry elbow in 1914 the Great War may not have started in that year and Russells followers would have been denied the 1914 propaganda tool to play on.


    Questions for serious bible students:

    On being caste out of heaven, did Satan first visit Kaiser Wilhelm, Von Bismark, King Edward or Lord George?

    Does Satan still roam about like a toothless old cat seeking to suck someone?

  • Satanus


    >Does Satan still roam about like a toothless old cat seeking to suck someone?

    Maybe he could help w jesus' second cumming;)


  • alliwannadoislive

    you two like morecombe and wise ? heh-heh ...

  • zerubberballs

    Wotz that alliwannadoislive?

    Now that we're aquainted, can I call ya alliwannadois? Morecombe and Wise? wow i think Eric did say something along the lions of ArchDuke Fredinand shooting an ostrich, if he didn't he shoulda ..

    morecombe and wise? never heard of him .. bring me sunshine all the while .. through the dark clouds a happy smile .. da da dum, da da dum, ta ta tum tum tum tum tum .. bring me sunshine, bring me laughter, bring me luuuuve!

    nup never resembled that remark .. unc skips off stage arms flying forward and back ..

  • Englishman

    Maybe the big "A" has come after all!

    My cat, George, is 4 years old and has never caught a mouse or bird, but he adores cheese and icecream. I'm just gonna give him some straw for lunch and see how he gets on.

    HL doesn't seem to be ageing either..


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • Stephanus

    My cat, the one I use as my pic, likes Hot 'n Spicy KFC, Pepsi and like Garfield adores lasagna.

    The tabby likes to play with water, especially on hot summer days when the boys are playing with the hose; the cat chases the stream everywhere and usually comes in soaked.

    His brother likes to try and figure out our human technology; he likes to watch the toilet flush and, unlike any cat I've ever known, will follow the vacuum cleaner around. He watches TV from time to time and when he was younger kept trying to get into that room he could see on the other side of the mirror...

    "Oh God! To hear the Insect on the leaf pronouncing on the too much life among his hungry brothers in the dust." - The Ghost of Christmas Present

  • Englishman

    Bloody Norah, Stephanus!

    I've just started another thread devoted to my own moggie!

    Shall I scrub it?


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • ISP

    Hey! You can see why the WTS is facing decline! The loss of prospective writers/researchers such as those above. They could sure do with some 'creative' doctrine at the moment.


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