A pic for the New Year

by ozziepost 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    It was OK Eman, all the fireworks you saw were OVER WATER i.e. Sydney Harbour which is about as big as a few Weston-super-Mares

  • ozziepost

    BTW Eman, I suspect the view in your pic is of some place closer to you than to me!

  • Englishman


    The fireworks were superb. Honest. WSM is a tiny place, population aout 78,000. The pic is of the Bridge Over The River Tyne (Gerrit?!)in Newcastle.I thgought that Sydney bridge was built by a homesick Geordie who wanted a permanent reminder of home. Bloody wingeing Poms!

    Englishman / Alec Guiness.

    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • zerubberballs

    ***Seriously folks, we all saw the firework display on telly. Nothing like firewworks to keep a good bush-fire goin'. Englishman.***

    ROTFL! That's what we recon Englishmun .. the extra smoke is good too LOL .. the main fire front's now on it's way to Prisca's house :(

    cheers unclebruce

    PS: Don't tell too many NSWelshmun the big bridge is just a copy it's bad enough thier Opera House being a giant sliced orange painted white


    Hey ozzie I ain't going to bed yet and you can't make me

  • Englishman
    ROTFL! That's what we recon Englishmun .. the extra smoke is good too LOL .. the main fire front's now on it's way to Prisca's house :(

    'S, OK. We've organised somewhere for Prisca to stay.

    At Tina's.


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • ozziepost

    G'day Eman,

    I thought it was 'cos that certainly wasn't Sydney Harbour! BTW I remember visiting Weston many years ago. Jolly nice town, you lucky bugger!

    Don't take too much notice of unc. He's missing the dancing girls and gone all crotchety!

    P.S. Now I told you, unc, go to bed and take your Vegemite!


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."


  • zerubberballs

    G'day Englishman,

    Time's 11.30pm over here and ozzies all tucked away in bed ;) Shudup and shut yer eyes ozzie! hehehe

    WSM is a tiny place, population aout 78,000.
    Bloody hell the whole Bega Valley's only got about 20,000 and it's half the size of England lol ... oops 'scuse me sounding like a Texan cow puncher. ... oops no offence all you Texan cow punchers out there .. geez a bloke never can be too careful around here .. more soft underbellies on display than a lebanese dance club .. oops sorry all you ...aw ffffudge!

    The pic is of the Bridge Over The River Tyne (Gerrit?!)in Newcastle.I thgought that Sydney bridge was built by a homesick Geordie who wanted a permanent reminder of home. Bloody wingeing Poms!
    I thought it was a big mechano set sent over from Liverpool or Glasgow or some other beautiful green place. We often see Sydney Harbour type bridges on British TV. I think I even saw one in "the Bill" the other night? They're breeding I tell ya!

    Tina and Prisca? Well, putting my Nazi helmet on and in my best Hogan's Hero accent: "I see nuthing! I see nuthing!!"


    PS: Don't take too much notice of ozzie, it's past his bedtime

  • ladonna

    Sometimes a woman is needed to do the job right


  • ladonna


    Pssssssst, this is why you won second in the "nutter's" competition.


  • zerubberballs

    careful ozzie it's only a bad dream .. Ladonna can't hurt us if we stick together .. don't look in her eyes .. i had flaming fireworks and great balls afire with her this afternoon .. just keep your trousers up where we can see 'em and don't let her near your candle wax.


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