Did the elders withhold privileges from you too long?

by asilentone 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • asilentone
  • stillin

    any time they had an opportunity, it seemed (seems) like they played it for all it was worth. What a downer! It isn't discipline. I used to think it was but I realize now that it's just plain mean-spirited.

  • finallysomepride

    What privileges? being able to pass the mic around, better off sleeping during the meeting

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Privlege? To give talks and coment? what a privlege? keep it!

  • Jim_TX

    Not sure what qualifies as 'priveledges'... I think that I was allowed to adjust the amplifiers... play the songs, etc. I liked doing that - as it gave me an excuse to be in the back, and get up as often as I wanted - to go 'adjust' the volume.

    As far as advancing - I.E. ministerial servant - or whatever they call them - I never got that far... and I think I know why.

    I realized the other day - whilst pondering my 'career' as a jw - that my mom may have killed any chance of my going far up the ladder. She wrote the society - in defiance to one of the local elders' edicts - and got a favorable response from the guys in N.Y. She then called a meeting with the local elders, and showed them the letter. They weren't too pleased that she did this. So... I think that they took it out on me - and probably my two brothers.

    But... in retrospect - that's just fine with me. I never got too deep into it.


    Jim TX

  • blondie

    As I woman, I had even less privileges. Freedom is nothing left to lose. Free at last.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    i was the "sound" SISTER oh what a privledge!!!!

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    i was the "sound" SISTER oh what a privledge!!!!

  • feeling good
    feeling good

    Honestly I was restricted from giving talks and pioneering which was a privledge in itself.

    Too bad it wasn't commenting, meeting attendance, assembly attendance, etc.................

    Can you tell I am bitter.?

  • finallysomepride

    "sound" sister, I bet they made a big deal out of that, I never understood their reasoning on treating females as second class, what a bogus religion

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