"Millions Will Attend -Will You?" Mea Culpa!

by Joe Grundy 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    Dubs are working the housing estate where I live. I was outside my house, applying some TLC to my old Jag (worshiping worldly things?).

    One old guy, half a dozen middle-aged and upwards ladies. The 'pioneer shuffle', knocking on doors where it was evident no-one was at home was evident. And they shuffled off. Interestingly, it seemed as though the lady who gave me a leaflet (seemed younger than the rest, 45 or so, well-dressed, well-spoken, and in worldly terms worth giving one) seemed to be the leading light in the group.

    It wasn't the right time, so I made no challenges (that's where the 'mea culpa' bit comes in). And, I have to ask myself, just how much interest/energy/enthusiasm do I have left to confront them? I had a recent success in getting 'Private Eye' to report their legal shenanigans in trying to delay the Charity Commission investigation and I'll do my best in that regard.

    But - this door-to-door stuff, well,it's a joke. I said, of course, that "I was interested" but they obviously weren't. Just shove the leaflet and go. I was surprised they even called after my last experiences - I would have thought that I was marked as 'DNC' at least, 'Dangerous Apostate' at worst.

    And I can't help but compare this latest 'Memorial' leaflet title: 'Millions Will Attend' with the infamous 'Millions Now Living Will Never Die'.

    Are their memories so short, or do they just forget?

  • prologos
    Millions will attend----? appealing to the heard instinct? looking forward to passing the plate? the proverbial Collection Plate? not just not partaking, but giving?
  • ToesUp
    Most of them are so busy with the invitation work they can't take care of anything else.... like their families, their finances, their homes, their jobs (if they have one). Keep em on the hamster wheel so they can't think about what a joke this all is. There is always busy work. Quick builds, preparing talks, Field Serve Us, Need Greating, making trinkets for the International conventions, assemblies...yadda yadda. The list goes on and on!!!
  • respectful_observer

    Question related to this invitation work:

    Has anyone reviewed the data to see whether there has been any sort of measurable % increase in Memorial attendance since this concerted invitation business (including "pioneer-lite") started several years back?

    I'd be curious to know if it's made any real difference besides killing a few hundred thousand trees to print all those invites.


  • OneEyedJoe

    Has anyone reviewed the data to see whether there has been any sort of measurable % increase in Memorial attendance since this concerted invitation business (including "pioneer-lite") started several years back?

    Memorial attendance only just surpassed the previous peak in 2011 last year, so if it's doing anything it's only disguising the decline.

  • Watchtower-Free
  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    Witness to Householder : " Here's your invitation"

    Householder reading out loud: "Millions Will Attend ?"

    Witness: "Yes,that's right"

    Householder as he shuts the door: " Not me....large crowds like that make me nervous".

  • Heaven

    I will not be attending. I have important things planned for that evening starting with re-arranging my sock drawer.

  • GrreatTeacher
    Heaven, I've been stressing over that exact thing. Should the argyle socks and the athletic socks be separated? I just can't decide. Maybe a little wine and some crackers will make my head a little clearer on this subject...
  • Finkelstein

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