Why Joe Rutherford was a "JUDGE"?

by Albert Einstein 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    Never found an answer to that.

    Was he really a Judge for some time? How do you get such title? Was it legal for him to use it?


  • villabolo

    I believe he was a substitude judge for a few days. The title was perpetuated by the Witnesses and so got stuck on him.


  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    The title was perpetuated by the Witnesses and so got stuck on him.

    If I remember correctly, he adopted the title and (inappropriately) referred to himself as 'Judge Rutherford.' That provides much insight into his dearth of honor and low self esteem.


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    When I was little I used to think Pastor Russell got his name because he like spaghetti.

  • No Longer Held Captive
    No Longer Held Captive

    No he wasnt, he made up that title and gave it to himself, and whats more had a house built with dubs money and made the deeds out to Elijah, Moses and Enoch, the house was called Beth Serim. Like all other wbts blunders, it was a white elephant and the wbts sold it off after Rutherford died.

  • The Almighty Homer
    The Almighty Homer

    Taking a look backward at the evolving start of this organization it is plain to see a pattern develop of incoming power, control and divested interests

    by the key orchestrators. One person that mostly has to be looked at as an important power player is Joseph Rutherford or

    ( Judge Rutherford as he liked to be addressed ) he truly has to be looked as the foundational builder of this organization which he may

    have actual thought as his own possession.

    He was the individual that instituted the name of this organization which it still holds to this day.

    It doesn't take long after you analise this individuals personal character to realize what a typical power whore this guy really was.

    He obviously knew of or was aware of the past proclaiming mistakes of the WTS. since he was around at the time but he also

    was quite aware of the monetary wealth of the WTS. since he was the organization's chief lawyer under direction of C.T.Russell.

    He could have very well continued his career in law and done well for himself, maybe even climbed up to a real position has a Judge of the land,

    but the apparent vacant presidency of the WTS. after Russell's passing, looked to him as great opportunity to grasp an already cultivated power source with

    the WTS. and the attaching control of the money of the Corporation, as they say today he went for it.

    The most likely reason of him using the title judge was to up lift his own personal stature and to self support his own prominence and

    control over his peers and associates, in other words a power playing opportunist of his generation.

  • restrangled

    As I remember being told, he was assigned a temp job as a Judge for one day.

    After that He insisted he be called Judge Rutherford....not too difficult to imagine considering all the bogus, big head titles assigned to so many ne'r do wells in that organization.


  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    Do not judge.

  • VM44

    This book should provide some insight as to if Rutherford was really a Judge.

    "Judge for Four Days Rutherford"


    Also, look at this thread in the "Best of" section.

    "Let's Take A Look At Judge Rutherford In The Pages of Zion's Watch Tower "


    This thread shows when Rutherford started to be called Judge in the Watch Tower.

    It appears that the title really started to be used in the advertising of Rutherford's public talks.

    The title was taken on to give him some credibility.

  • No Longer Held Captive
    No Longer Held Captive

    They have the cheek and audacity to call the catholic church a sect because the pope as its leader is in control......so whats the differance, the wbts have always had a man in control at the top, and Rutherford was one of them, so how are they not a sect?

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