If Evolution were untrue

by badboy 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Swan

    My active youthful mind; always keenly interested in science and history, always observing, always questioning, always analyzing; eventually brought me to some revealing imponderables that I had to face:

    • How do I explain mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, and other blood sucking parasites?
    • How do I explain the Hobbits of Flores?
    • How do I explain trees that existed at least 180 million years ago that are now petrified wood today?
    • How do I explain island (for examples; Flores, Australia, Galapagos) pockets of diversity where animals differ markedly from other animal species?
    • In the case of Australia, how do I explain marsupials? How do I explain how the platypus lays eggs?

    These were the questions I first started to ask myself (except for the Hobbits, which were only discovered recently) many years ago when I was a dub. Creation, followed by a worldwide flood, and all of this occurring within 48,000 years of creative days, made me wonder how to answer these questions without an evolutionary basis.


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