Is this an obsession?

by WuzLovesDubs 17 Replies latest social relationships

  • asilentone


  • SirNose586
    Sir...yeah really. I went back over everything I ever said looking for somewhere where I might have indicated otherwise but I was very very specific that I didnt want him to CALL me every dayl. That this is PLATONIC that we are only FRIENDS. I think he thinks that if he just had the opportunity he could convince me "he is the one" somehow. went from 0 to 60 in like one day. :*(

    Wow, that's waaaay too fast. Escalation can be good if there's basis for it, but because he can't tell what real signs of interest are, he latches on like a pit bull.

    He must have no prospects other than you.

    In the past, I would have knocked "speed-dating" places, but for this dude, I think he could use some of that...

  • AudeSapere

    I had a similar situation like that about 12 years.


    you wrote: That this is PLATONIC that we are only FRIENDS

    Same person I'm talking about had a Bachelors degree but seriously thought that 'Platonic' meant sex-only, not social.

    Lesson learned: Don't use big words with people who are causing you to be uncomfortable. Stick with just the very common ones and if someone his acting obsessive or ignorring boundaries, drop the pleasantries (no 'please' or 'thank you's'), be clear and blunt.


  • wantstoleave


    Good thing you told a co-worker about this. You never know what lengths people will go to when they're as obsessed like this man is. Be wary. And be careful. You need to tell him straight, but maybe it might be best to do it with someone else around. You never know just how he'll react. Even if the 3rd person was standing say, at the next checkout, or behind the bar, or in the next cubicle. Just stay safe. If you need to, change your fone number and make the new one silent, so he can't look you up.

    How awful for you :( Let us know how it eventuates.

  • Satanus

    If you did the just friends and sex thing w him, surely he would leave you alone.


  • jamiebowers

    From what I've read, stalkers will stalk even if they've been told that their prey isn't interested. Being that he left you alone for 8 months, he's probably just a socially inept guy. But that doesn't make him any less dangerous since he apparently has poor impulse control. Tell your supervisor who he is, and then let him know in clear terms that you won't even be friends with him, because he comes on way to strong. If he doesn't listen, then report it to your employer and seek a restraining order. In the meantime, please be conscious of your personal security, and listen to your instincts.

  • Satanus

    He left her alone when she told him to lay off. It was only when she told him they could be friends that he started, again. Why would she want to go out as friends w him??? Her mistake, imo. Sure, the guy is inept. But, he isn't the only one.


  • snowbird

    My thoughts are with you, (((((((Wuz))))))).


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