I Went To The KH Yesterday Afternoon

by TheRecordCollector 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • teejay

    Hello TRC,

    Thanks for sharing your experience.

    What you say about clapping at the end of the meeting (service) makes total sense. The history of the applause probably goes something like this: long time ago, someone gave an especially rousing talk (sermon) that was so good, that struck the audience in just the right way, that at the end they all just spontaneously broke out in applause to show their appreciation. The following week, Brother Dull Speaker got up to give his sermon and to keep from hurting his feelings, they clapped. They've been clapping ever since. Traditions tend to take on a life of their own.

    It seem's to me that being a JW is like being on the job 24/7.

    You must've REALLY been paying attention... You are right. Being a JW *is* a fulltime job. JW's dreams can get in trouble even if they dream about the wrong things so they have to be on guard all the time. 24/7? That's about the size of it.

    At the end of the service, the overseer reminded everyone to "turn in their time". What, are they "clocking out for the week" or what? What is that? You should witness to people because you want to, not because you feel that you have to.

    Technically you are right. The bible supports what you say. But then, if the leaders don't know for sure, I mean if you don't supply proof that you've been witnessing, wouldn't that show that you don't love God?

    You have to provide proof on the little form they provide that you've been witnessing for God. How many hours. How many of the books and magazines you've "placed." You have to fill out one of the little forms each month, every month. Then they send it to Brooklyn, NY and keep a file on your activity in talking to others about God. If you don't, they start to look at you with suspicion and think that you don't love God as much as you should. You think I'm kidding? Believe me, I'm not kidding. Ask anyone at the meetings if what I've said is true.

    They said nothing about recieving Christ, acknowledging Christ, or anything. Why? I mean, do you have to wait for a convention someplace? What if you die before then?

    Man! You're asking good questions.

    If you die before the next convention, they feel that since you were "making progress" then Jehovah will probably give you the benefit of the doubt. You don't want to miss too many opportunities to get baptized, though. Otherwise, they will begin to suspect your sincerity... you know, whether you REALLY love God or not. Putting off baptism is a sure sign (to them) that you don't love Jehovah.

    Let us know when you have more questions. You *will* probably have more.

    take care,

  • BQE

    <I>It seem's to me that being a JW is like being on the job 24/7.
    You should witness to people because you want to, not because you feel that you have to.
    At the end of the service,
    the overseer reminded everyone to "turn in their time".
    What, are they "clocking out for the week" or what? What is that?</I>

    You're absolutely correct, being a witness, every action, every thought is and has to be "christian." When I was a witness my mom stressed all the time "being a christian means being a christian 24/7" I often asked myself when can I take a time-out. Turning in time was also <b>deeply</b> stressed. I remember several months after my baptism in 1976 I didn't go out much in field service, so the ministerial servant would often approach me after a Wednesday night saying that "for this month, I'll mark you down for 2 hours so I can get the monthly reports in on time" and I did absolutely nothing! You can see just how important the time was, this MS was willing to go and falsify many reports he sent over to Brooklyn---a practice which, many will agree with me, is very common.

  • butalbee

    Very bad memories...

    Did I read someone say the words spiritual health relating to anything of JW? It's like being in an insane assylum.

    Good luck witnesses to a witness, they come very prepared. Two young men came to my door the other day, I started laughing hysterically like a complete moron. They knew who I was since I had too frequently went to the meetings with my boyfriend and his family. I think they were spies sent by the elders to see what I was up to.,
    I bet if I let them in they would've bugged my house to monitor my non-witness status. And I may be just a little crazy, but I swear today a brother,(and friend of my {ex}boyfriends family) followed me all around town. Because I revolted totally conversion does this mean that I am now on the witnesses top 10 wanted list?

    TRC--are you going again??????????? Just stay away, there are too many demonic forces and it might pull you in...

  • ozziepost

    Thanks TRC for your observations, I find them very thought-provoking. So often we look at the Borg thru JW eyes but it's helpful to see thru the eyes of an "outsider" as it were.

    I can recall the time, many years ago, when the Public Talk was a separate meeting to which the public were invited. The idea was that it would be a Bible talk without the songs and prayers i.e. simply an evangelising message. In time this was changed so that it was held before the Watchtower Study but still a public meeting without songs and prayers. Later it was incorporated into the regular worship meetings. The applauding of the speaker had its origins in the Public meeting and was given as a sign of appreciation, not for the performance. I can see that from a Christian perspective, applauding the message is not appropriate but thru JW eyes there is no 'eulogising' of the speaker.

    I find your comments on the absence of receiving salvation quite perceptive. The reality is that a JW is NEVER assured of his/her salvation. Why? Because their salvation is due to their works and not, as Christians believe, as an act of grace from the Father. Hence the absence of any words about receiving salvation. They are not sure whther they will get it it, let alone already received it. And as for acknowledging Christ, well they SAY they do but, in reality, they don't for they do not teach that Jesus is received into the heart.

    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • avengers

    I always clapped because I was glad it was over.

    The bigger the lie the more that will believe it.
    Adolph Hitler
  • TruthMonger


    Thank you for reminding me of what I am not missing... I miss my father and sister. I miss some of the people that were nice to me and that I thought were friends, until the divorce. But what kind of faith is it that continually presses you to witness, yes, 24/7 and is more interested in the quantity of time spend than the quality of their message? The legalistic kind, the worse kind. The kind that belonged to the Sadducees and Pharisees -- the kind Jesus condemned.

    Kind of off the point a little:
    The ostracism that followed when I disassociated myself 6 mos prior to the divorce didn't convince me to go back. In fact, if my dad or my sister would have called just one time and said, "Hey, we love you. When are you coming back?," I probably would have went. But they didn't. My 5y daughter and I slept on the floor of a small apartment with no electricity for almost 2 mos. Ate a lot of macaroni & cheese those 2 mos, lol. My ex wouldn't turn over any furniture to me, nothing. In the end, I didn't need them. I had my faith in God AND Jesus to pull me through.

    So, thank you TRC. I read these boards regularly to remember why I left and why I can't go back.

    Best wishes,

  • NameWithheld
    I always clapped because I was glad it was over.

    LOL! Me too!

  • terafera

    me three!!



  • nita6368

    I look at this board quite often but haven't posted too often but this post actually made my boaring day a little brighter. I have been
    df'd for about 5 years and ironic as it may seem the PO who sat on my judiciary committe was a child molester we have found out now.But this certain PO would always give the same talk and at the end of the talk he would give the same illustration...a boy...a father and a train rolling out of control...and everytime he gave the talk the cong would say...oh , Brother XXXX, is so gifted and wasn't that illustration wonderful...it was like they never heard it before...absolutley amazing they are like drones who just sit and hear but never listen. And then we would re-study the Paradise book and re-study the Creation book.I particularly hated the part in the KM about destroying the motel rooms at the District Convention most of the times the rooms were crappy and in a high crime area or at an airport that was always refreshing. It is so wonderful to be free....

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