Goodbye bible creeps, Hello 2002 :)

by unclebruce 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • zerubberballs

    Now look what you gone and done Caveman,

    You really shouldn't oughta insult sister shelby this time of year. (calling her a farkel fart)


    Hey Shelby he didn't mean nuth'n,

    Sure you don't make date predictions, your lord's too smart to be trapped by that old shell/pea game. You just yell "THE LAST TRAIN OUT OF ISRAELS ALMOST GONE!" Tickets please ...

    Sorry darlink but I'm putting your Lord in the dumpster with the other out of date fruit loops.

    Cheerful New Year skunklebruce

  • AGuest

    Okay, DBear... and Unk... I 'hear' you.

    Peace to you both!

    SJ (a slave of Christ, 'cause that is what I am... sorry.)

  • DannyBear

    Happy New Year Shellby!

    Welcome back mighty man of the Golan hieghts. Where you been, we missed you.


  • zerubberballs

    Now now sister Shelby no pout'n and sulk'n eh?

    You know i'm a sucker fer that .. i'll get all bleary eyed in a minute .. here take this with the very bestest wishes for 2002!:


  • Prisca

    Actually I remember Shelby making a "fluff" post.... or was that Farkel??? .... no, perhaps it was AlanFluff, or ......


    Prisca enjoying the last few hours of 2001

  • Francois

    Lilac's carrying on is beginning to make me think that getting laid is something that only happens but rarely for her.

    As for the original post, I think the end can be determined by taking the weight of the world, which was on Jesus shoulders, and divide by Claudia Schffer's I.Q., multiply by the cosine of the change in Uncle Bruce's left pocket, then take the cube root of the factoral of the address of the Kingdom Hall in Two Egg, Florida and multiply the ampersand of the above calculation by the square of the distance between Lilac's knees last night and you've got it!!!


  • Carmel

    Unc and Danny,

    Just been relocating the fat arse back to the peaceful and safe confines of America. Long for my cave on the mountain where one can hang out without being accosted by the local crazies. Actually, I'm at the mouth of the mighty Columbia River (every body upstream who flushes their toilet sends their best to me) where it dumps into and polutes the Pacific.

    the new cave is all decked out and ready for guests.. come one come all...


  • Englishman


    You been overdosin' on that Vegemite crap whilst watchin' Aussie Rules footie?

    Heh heh!

    Wot you need is:


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • AGuest

    DBearMan... back at 'cha... THIS year... and EVERY year... to time indefinite!

    Unk, Unk, Unk... sulk? Pout? ME!? No way, man! I am NOT the type. Truly. I 'heard' you... and DBMan. My apology, though, was tongue-in-cheek. Since I ain't got no problem lettin' you all... BE you all... I have no desire to let you all stop ME... from bein' me. You know... what's good for the goose and all that.

    You spout your type of 'wisdom'... and I spout what my Lord tells me is his. (Now, my Lord and those who KNOW me, know I WISH I had some widsom of my own... you know, so's I can run circles around you 'high-minded' intellects and debate long and ingeniously with you... but nope... I ain't got it like that. Honest, DBear...)

    And along with believing that my Father JAH is the Holy One of Israel, and His Son and Christ, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH is my Lord, I am also a firm beliiver that 'fair exchange... ain't no robbery'. So, speak O Right Reverant Rubbery One... and... ask your questions. But don't get your chonies all in bunch when someone takes the challenge... and answers ya! K? K.

    Peace... love... cheers... beers... cut coon... and all that...

    Your 'friend' and a slave of Christ,

    SJ ("Dont go changin'... to try and please me... you never would have done before... I took the good times... I'll take the bad times... I love you JUST the way you arrrrrreeeeee!")

  • termite 35
    termite 35


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