New understanding of the Generation??

by Newborn 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • TD
    I just wanted to clarify that JW's ALWAYS felt that knowledge was passed down from generation of annointed to generation of annointed..

    The idea of an unbroken chain of faithful witnesses was invented to support the belief that the "Faithful and discreet slave" is a composite class

    When it was taught that Russell himself was the "Faithful and wise servant", the idea would have only gotten in the way, since Russell was a religious maverick who openly stated that prior to "Present truth," all Bible study had been in vain. In other words, he thought he had restored true worship pretty much single handedly.

  • Sapphy

    It would be so much better for them if they were to say 'sorry, no idea what 'generation' means, noo light will clear it up, watch this space' , just like they've done with the King of the North.

    But I'm sure if they run with the 'generation who shook the hand of the generation of 1914' idea they could find some spurious 'reasoning', like the Elijah and Elisha mantle-handing-over stuff, or the John (class) decreasing while the followers of Jesus increase precedent.

    Sapphy of the let's give them ideas class

  • Gayle

    This is so typical of their double-talk teachings, now "double generations last days." Their lies stretch to Ridiculous!

  • mouthy

    Peacedog> You said

    Also, he's an idiot. Just for the record.

    My very good friends ex Cuircit Servants.(Wyatts)Said Jack is a really lovely person
    they were very good friends during their many ,many years in the Org.
    They feel that the BORG is allowing Jack to be used as a mouth piece
    so when he kicks the bucket,& they need to change it, they can blame old Jackie

    Rememeber he had his mind stolen just like us....

  • Life is now
    Life is now

    In June 2010 Study Watchtower there is an article


    that has Jack Barr's comments on the overlap of the generations.

    As it is not a study article it is only available in audio on the Watchtower site.

    I can't hear so good so maybe someone else might like to type it up.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Here's the information from the April 15 Kool Aid version of the WT article about holy spirit (not The Holy Spirit) with the setup lie and the erroneous conclusion based upon that lie in bold:


    Third, holy spirit is at work in bringing Bible truths to light. (Prov. 4:18) This magazine has long been used by “the faithful and discreet slave” as the primary channel for dispensing increased light. (Matt. 24:45) For example, consider our understanding of those who make up “this generation” mentioned by Jesus. ( Read Matthew 24:32- 34. ) To what generation did Jesus refer? The article “Christ’s Presence—What Does It Mean to You?” explained that Jesus was referring, not to the wicked, but to his disciples, who were soon to be anointed with holy spirit. Jesus’ anointed followers, both in the first century and in our day, would be the ones who would not only see the sign but also discern its meaning—that Jesus “is near at the doors.”


    What does this explanation mean to us? Although we cannot measure the exact length of “this generation,” we do well to keep in mind several things about the word “generation”: It usually refers to people of varying ages whose lives overlap during a particular time period; it is not excessively long; and it has an end. (Ex. 1:6) How, then, are we to understand Jesus’ words about “this generation”? He evidently meant that the lives of the anointed who were on hand when the sign began to become evident in 1914 would overlap with the lives of other anointed ones who would see the start of the great tribulation. That generation had a beginning, and it surely will have an end. The fulfillment of the various features of the sign clearly indicate that the tribulation must be near. By maintaining your sense of urgency and keeping on the watch, you show that you are keeping up with advancing light and following the leadings of holy spirit.—Mark 13:37.

  • BluesBrother

    I ressurected the thread because today I received the June 15 2010 WT. This is the report of the WTS Annual General Meeting on October 3 2009, held in Jersey City Assembly Hall , the bottom half of the page applies.

    For my money, this is the craziest thing they have said, perhaps ever ! They now ask the flock to accept that the English word 'generation' does not mean what we know it means, but rather what they say it is....

    BTW..I would endorse Mouthy's comment about Jack Barr. Many years ago, just before he left U K for the G.Body, I met him and worked in Field Service. I was only young but he was really nice and approachable....but that does not make the statements any more true..

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Thanks Blues Brother, that really is crazy!

    Regarding Jack Barr, I know a few people who have met him or knew him and have never heard a bad word said about him.

  • moshe

    There is a mental condioning that anything in print is true- look at how many people fall prey to Internet and Nigerian scammers every year. Kids never question their school textbooks and that is where the behavior is first learned.

  • mindmelda

    Hell, I adjust my underwear less than they adjust this teaching. I'm surprised that they can still keep this one up with a straight face.

    I have fantasies of one of the GB giving a big talk someday and suddenly going, "Gotcha! ha, boy we really had you going there, didn't we, ha haha, psych!" and walking off the platform to the sound of crickets chirping....just before the increasingly angry crowd rises and attacks him with their bulging book bags.

    The price you pay for taking one damn scripture and basing a teaching almost entirely on it..which is ironically what they accuse other religions of doing.

    Man, will they ever quit making the Baby Jesus cry?

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