Do you keep JW pictures???

by Albert Einstein 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    After many years of very active live in JW religion we have thousands of JW related pictures ... conventions, JW guests, JW friends ....

    So BTW - do you keep yours, or did you get rid of them?

    My wife is still mentally in, so throwing all of them out is not on the agenda, but I dont really want to watch it .... it makes me feel embarassed how stupid I was ... On the other hand, I might want to keep some ... its still part of my life...


  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    Wow, what a great question; looking forward to seeing the replies.

  • babygirl30

    I have TONS and T-O-N-S of pics of JW's (with and w/o me) from all the years of being 'in' the org and traveling. Makes me LAUGH now cause all those people who were supposedly my friends now day say spit to me...

    with that said - I keep them because at least with those people...there ARE good memories. But it also is a reminder of who I used to be - NOT the person I am today.

  • babygirl75

    I've got tons of pic's too (I was a born-in so of course I do) and also many albums of my times in Brooklyn and hanging out with bethelites. My best friend and her hubby were there and I was seeing a bethelite there too. Many good times and parties with the Greek Family I stayed with in the city. I was a different person then, but with religion aside, I do miss some of the them and hold on to the memories. You can't replace photo's....hold on to them! If nothing else, to remember how you used to be, and how far you've come!

  • greenhornet

    I have about 20 pounds of pictures to go through. They were from my parents. Right now there under the bed. Hundreds of pictures of people I do not know at assemblies and kingdoms halls ETC. It is so sad that was there whole life.

  • neverendingjourney

    I had a few albums full of JW-related pictures. About two years ago I put all of my JW stuff (pictures, pioneer book, blood card, convention souvenirs, etc.) in a couple boxes, taped them up, and stored them away. There isn't anything in my apartment now that would identify me as a JW. One day I'll look back at all that stuff. Who knows, maybe I'll someday take show my future wife (if I ever get married) all this stuff so she can better understand who I am.

  • Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein

    neverending: ...taped them up, and stored them away. There isn't anything in my apartment now that would identify me as a JW

    I wish to be able to do the same some day ... but, then ... 18 years of my life would disapear....


  • bigwilly

    Most pics from that era are in mny parents albums. The only one I have is my senior photo which isn't really dub related but I was still in.

    I guess the question for me would be what to do with them when my parents pass on. I have two other siblings who are on better terms with them, so it may not matter as much, but this will get me thinking for sure.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I photographed several Witness weddings and social events . I still have them mixed among my other photo's . I just don't look through them very often .

    I look at it as that was part of my history that's all .

  • AwSnap

    I've saved them. Otherwise, nobody would believe that I used to have a mullet, perm AND cokebottle glasses.

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