DNA Stem Cell Reaerch

by frankiespeakin 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWoods

    One would like to think so, Frankiespeaken...but in reality fundy people very rarely even look at scientific evidence.

    Many are not even convinced that dinosaur fossils are real - "god put them there to blind the unbelievers"...

    Let alone something as esoteric as the DNA sequence.

  • BurnTheShips
    Ironic if perhaps the anti-embryo view in fact enhanced the development of this method?

    It helped. Non-embryonic methods of creating iPS cells got started in the US first.

    They have supercomputers that can read DNA at a millions of sequences per second,,and new types software that can help decipher it which are no doubt getting better all the time. Human ingenuity, I'm sure big breakthroughs are coming down the pike probably faster than most of us can imagine.

    You'll be able to sequence your own genome for under $1000 by 2014. I suspect it will be sooner than that. With that info, your pharmaceutical usage will be carefully tailored to your generic makeup. "Personalized medicine" This should reduce worry about side effects. For example, coumadin, a blood thinner, causes dangerous side effects in a percentage of the population that metabolizes it more slowly. Now there are FDA approved rapid tests for the gene responsible for it that give a response in less than an hour.


  • nicolaou
    The beauty of these induced iPS cells is that there are no ethical dilemmas.

    For some of us there were no ethical dilemmas with embryonic stem cells - but I do take your point BTS.

  • Gerard

    For some of us there were no ethical dilemmas with embryonic stem cells - but I do take your point BTS.

    Especially those derived from cord blood.

  • frankiespeakin

    Extracting your own DNA at home:


    The way things are going i wouldn't be surprized that not too far into the future we will all be able take our own samples feed the data into our computor send it off to a lab get it checked out and corrected or remodeled or improved. A super dupper master race will have a arrived.

  • frankiespeakin
  • frankiespeakin
  • frankiespeakin

    The Secret of Life -- Discovery of DNA Structure;


    James Watson: The double helix and today's DNA mysteries:


  • Star tiger
    Star tiger


    I am totaly looking forward to when stem cell research can reduce and alleviate diseases that affict humanity, and one day with Ray Kurzweil insights into the future can eliminate and improve the lives of milions of humans without the need of idiotic religions and one day extend humankinds lifespan including the soon to be instigated Nanotechnologies!!!

    Hooray for the diligent scientists that are trying to help humankind! Not for the retrogressive religions of man that want to rule by fear!


    Star Tiger

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