Swine Flu Shot Is Good? Maybe Not

by t33ap80c 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • t33ap80c
  • Elsewhere

    Swine Flue (H1N1) is just as safe as your ordinary flu shot.

    The two are made using the exact same process.

  • finding my way
    finding my way

    THANK you! It's nice to hear a ring of truth from a professional regarding vaccines. I can't believe the CDC is pushing this vaccine for pregnant woman when it's so full of chemicals including mercury!

    I noticed how she stated this strain is NO MORE DANGEROUS than the regular flu that goes around every year. Also, a great point was made that children are unable to fight off sicknesses as well these days because their immune systems are possibly being damaged from too many vaccinations and that they have yet to do a study of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children. Are they afraid of what they will find and how much money they will lose maybe..?

    I'll take my chances with the flu in comparison to the long list of horrendous possible side effects from these shots.


  • finding my way
    finding my way

    Elsewhere- Then there's the debate of just how "safe" is the ordinary shot? Did you watch the video?

  • ninja

    of course he didnt...the vid is 8 mins long and elsewhere posted 3 mins after the initial post

  • finding my way
    finding my way

    yeah, I'm STILL listening to it. I'm already obsessed with learning more and more about the vaccine debate though.


  • Elsewhere

    I just do not understand the ethics of discouraging vaccinations... even for pregnant women.

    Bottom Line: More people die when vaccinations are not take.

    If enough people stop taking vaccinations we will have a massive die-off in the population.... just like back in the days before vaccinations were available. Imagine a few million people in the US all dying of Small Pox or Whooping Cough.

    I can only hope the anti-vaccination people are all thrown in prison should such an outbreak happen.

  • shamus100

    So hurtful Elsewhere... so hurtful...

    I think the world population is too big anyways. The people that don't take it can die off and the world will benefit, no problemo.

    See? Now there's the love.

  • Satanus

    'If enough people stop taking vaccinations we will have a massive die-off in the population.... just like back in the days before vaccinations were available.'

    Yabbut, that will reignite evolutionary process. It's been stalled for a couple of yrs now, ever since that satanic scientist invented penecillin.


  • finding my way
    finding my way

    sorry, I'm on Hawaii time and had to be at work, then dinner, now back online.

    I understand the FEAR instilled by the media about people who are "anti-vaccine". I do believe most are not actually anti vaccine but believe there should be a better schedule and "cleaner" ingredients. I think it's a bad idea to completely ignore the other side of the story. I'm not anti-vaccine even but I do believe they give out too many. They don't allow our immune systems to work naturally. There is also a portion of the cost of every vaccine that goes into a fund to pay people who have been severely damaged by the vaccines themselves. This tells me something...I think limiting vaccines and delaying them is wise. I realize that certain vaccines are for things that have been virtually irradicated in the US and why not wait until a child is older and stronger to shoot them up with these ones. Also chickenpox.. I had them, and I'd rather let my children get the pox, than give them an extra dose of harmful ingredients.

    There are studies that prove vaccines can cause brain damage and/or Guillain-Barré syndrome among other things. There's no guarantee that a vaccine will work and many of things they vaccinate for are not as serious as the complications from vaccines. DEATH is even listed on inserts as a possible side effect.. there are really too many points for me to type here, but i've read a lot about it and vaccines aren't safe for everyone. Some people just can't handle the amount of toxins without having serious side effects.

    They don't test the effects of multiple vaccines together, yet they don't hesitate to administer several at once. There is something wrong with that. Especially considering the fact that many people come forward insisting their children changed drastically within a week or so of being given vaccinations. There's a large community of people out there that have been negatively effected. It's wrong and hurtful to ignore them.

    It can be compared to many of our stories about religion.. Many of our famlies and closest friends wont even discuss things with us/or believe us because of their hard core belief in something we don't agree with. Also people who have legitimate concerns are "punished" and feared, viewed as stupid when in reality they have probably read more than the average person about the subject. (like being scared of an "apostate" and immediately discrediting what they are saying because they oppose what the Watchtower (in this case the CDC recommends..))What's wrong with educating yourself about the other side of the story?!


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