CO visit...Expect big increase!

by target 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • rondoggy

    The C/O just visited here in princeton, Wv. and made the announcement that the Princeton Cong was the largest in the circuit. That is interesting since total attendance on thursdaynight is average 60 people. if this is Largest it only means the Org. Is suffering. I read of it's downfall several years ago and apparenttly it is happening- praise be to God for uncovering this false religious cult!

  • bluesapphire

    It's a numbers game. Now the pubs that deliver the rags get to count those rags and those RVs. I wouldn't mind a subscription. Been in my new house almost a year and haven't been visited once yet. And I'm itchin' to have a "bible" study in my new neighborhood where no one knows I'm an "apostate."

  • oscartheduck

    "He knew nothing about it so it couldn't possibly be true. The WTS would keep him informed he was sure, of any such goings on."

    Self important bastard

    "Yes, brother, the GB ALWAYS ask me if what they're about to do is okay."

    The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126 "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible "

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Interesting note that I was taking to a JW in the US the other day and they told me that the WT is encouraging them to learn a foreign language. The WT sees that there is none or very little growth in the English speaking population but that the growth potential is in the foreigners that are moving into the US. Again the borg knows that the average educated US citizen is too smart to get sucked into their cult, whereas these lowly educated foreigners minds are easier to mold. Just wondering if anyone else has heard of this.


  • oscartheduck

    Just with regard to Will (above), this has been going on for ages. My congregation had a foreign language secretary, London has a couple of french congregations, Spanish ones, there's a Cantonese congregation in Liverpool etc

    The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126 "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible "

  • uncle jimbo
    uncle jimbo

    almost all of the US growth is supposedly among foreign language groups. Spanish and Chinese groups are supposedly growing like wildfire.

    Actually William, the reason for this growth is that the "lowly foreigner" is actually looking for an oppurtunity to practice their English. The "Bible Study" is actaully nothing but a free English lesson for them. Locally, have seen this happen quite often, especially among Chinese students at the local university. They accept Bible study, learn some English, and then (fortunately) drop the study before getting sucked in.

    Have heard of similar experiences with other groups. The foreign language speakers in the US are generally looking for any help learning English they can get. And what better way then a free lesson from a witness.


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