Today's (10-18-09) Watchtower Study. More Lies...

by tryingtoexit 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • tryingtoexit

    Well, today is another interesting day. As some of you all know...I have been trying to make my exit out of the cult but my wife has been giving me some probs along the way. Today as usual I dont go to the meeting, I go on with my day as normal, wash clothes, cook breakfast, and so on. She says "I think you should go to the meeting today, besides I think you would really enjoy today's Watchtower lesson. It has some points about Isaac Newton and how he knew the earth would be a paradise".

    I respond: "No I dont want to go, but you enjoy it though" Wife: "Why not?" Me: "......................I just dont want to................" Wife: "That's the best you can come up with, is I don't want to???" Me: "Yup, I dont want to go"

    So she huff and puffs and gets ready for the meeting making lots of noise. After she leaves, I decide to pick up the Watchtower to see what she was talking about. I saw the quotes from Sir Isaac Newton and John Milton, but what really made me I guess angry for lack of a better word was paragraphs 12-17.

    I'll type some of the lines from these paragraphs that stood out:

    "Jesus foretold that false prophets would corrupt his teachings and that most people would be misled. (Matt. 24:11) The apostle Peter warned Chrisitans: 'There will also be false teachers among you.' (2 Pet. 2:1) The apostle Paul spoke of 'a period of time when (people would) not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, they (would) accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled.' (2 Tim. 4:3, 4) Satan is involved in misleading people and has used apostate Christianity to obscure the heart warming truth about God's purpose for man and the earth. - Read 2 Corinthians 4:3, 4.

    Consider some historical developments in the decades prior to 1914, the year when the time of the end began. In the late 1800's, a number of sincere individuals were searching for an understanding of 'the pattern of healthful words'. In the late 1800's, a number of sincere individuals were searching for an understanding of the 'pattern of healthful words.' (2 Tim. 1:13) One such person was Charles Taze Russell. In 1870 he and a few other truth-seekers formed a class for Bible study. In 1872 they examined the subject of restitution. Later, Russel wrote: 'Up to that time we had failed to see clearly the great distinction between the reward of the church now on trial and the reward of the faithful of the world.' The reward of the later will be 'restoration to the perfection of human nature once enjoyed in Eden by their progenitor and head, Adam.' Russel acknowledged that he had been helped in his study of the Bible by others. Who were these?

    Henry Dunn was one of them.

    In 1870, George Storrs also came to the conclusion that the unrighteous will be resurrected to an opportunity of everlasting life.

    Russell discerned from the Bible that the time had come to make the good news widely known. So in 1879, he started publishing Zion's Watch Tower and Herald of Christ's Presence, now called The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom. Previously, the truth about mankind's hope was understood by very few people, but now groups of Bible Students in many countries were receiving and studying The Watchtower. The belief that only a few will go to heaven, whereas millions will be given perfect human life on earth, set the Bible Students apart from Christendom.

    The foretold 'time of the end' began in 1914. By 1913, Russell's sermond were printed in 2,000 newspapers with a combined readership of 15,000,000. By the end of 1914, over 9,000,000 people on three continents had seen the 'Photo-Drama of Creation'-a program including motion pictures and slides that explained Christ's Millennial Reign. From 1918 until 1925, the talk 'Millions Now Living Will Never Die', which explained the hope of everlasting life on earth, was presented by Jehovah's servants in over 30 languages worldwide. By 1934, Jehovah's Witnesses realized that those hoping to live on earth should be baptized. This understanding filled them with renewed zeal for preaching the good news of the Kingdom. Today, the prospect of living forever on earth fills the hearts of millions with gratitude toward Jehovah."

    So I'm thinking to myself....once again they're throwing that 1914 stuff out there, saying that if not for Russel and his helpers we would not know the truth about the bible!! They throw out all these amazing figures to make it appear that God was blessing ONLY their work. And they purposely leave out the fact that Russel did NOT believe that Christ would come invisibly in 1914, but that Armageddon would come that year. I can just imagine the comments on the above, I'm so glad I'm not there right now to bear it. I wish I could prevent my wife from hearing this garbage, but I don't want to oppose, I can only imagine how she's gonna be acting when she comes home feeling all "spiritually uplifted".

    What are yall thoughts on this??

  • stillajwexelder

    I actually thought it was one of their more balanced studies giving credit to other people

  • designs

    The complete rewrite of what 1914 meant to a Bible Student and to CT Russell is the most amazing piece of the Society's revisionist history.

    It wasn't the beginning of the Last Days it was believed to be the end.

  • flipper

    TRYINGTOEXIT- My thoughts on this information ? It's all a crock of $hit ! A lie ! " Millions now living will never die ? " WHEN did they promise that ? The 1920's ? Uh, they're all dead. It's been almost 96 years since 1914 . The dictionary definition of a " generation " is about 30 to 40 years . They are grasping at straws to try to keep JW members sucked into the false promises because they are losing members in some countries at alarming rates.

    Now the latest BS they are handing down is that the " generation " of anointed people alive in 1914 " overlaps " with the newer generation of anointed people in this early 21st century ( 2009 ) - so they tie -in the two generations into ONE long generation because the older anointed ones are alive at the same time as the younger anointed ones. So they know each other - and magically ! - it's considered an overlapping ONE generation !

    I'll tell ya - anybody buying into this crap deserves to be mind controlled. I hope some JW's wake up before they waste their entire lives on this junk. End of my rant

  • stillajwexelder

    I seriously think they are gently back peddling on some issues and will become more mainstream - they have to in order to survive

  • quietlyleaving

    yup I'm seeing mainsteaming here too. I think they could learn a lot from the Unitarians who share ideas and thoughts from poetry in their serrmons.

  • Cicatrix

    Hmm, a quick internet search informed me that both Newton and Milton leaned toward Socinism, Arianism, and anti-trinitarianism, so it's no surprise the WTS would quote them, heretics from orthodox Christendom that they are, lol. I wonder how many JWs are aware of their purported occult/alchemy ties, though.

    As far as what the society is still saying over and over and over and over... Well, that is how you keep people believing and blindly following.Establish yourself as sole earthly authority,make an assertion, call it truth, and keep repeating it with trigger words, oops, I mean a special "theocratic language", while discouraging the "flock" from associating with anyone who might provide an alternative answer, and with covering over your glaring mistakes with MORE trigger words like "new light," and "the governing body, overseers, elders, etc, have imperfect human understanding". Black/White, Good/Evil, Us/Them (with US being more superior than them). The dichotomy and quick discipline for "independent thinking" is what keeps the machine running smoothly.It is also the definition of an authoritarian cult.

    You can see the little man running the OZ machine, because you are no longer a cog. Your wife cannot. If you try to debate her, she will most likely go into Us/Them mode. Your resistance to her efforts to bring you in line with the party only fuel her black and white belief system. "If you are not for me you are against me." How many times do they preach THAT from the platform?She EXPECTS you to be against her, so she LOOKS for ways you are against her.It calms her when you are outright against her. It shakes her little world when you give her personal answers,as you did today when you said "I just don't feel like it," instead of theological arguments,although her brain will probably turn even this into a theological argument at some point.BUT, if you keep refusing to argue about it and simply refrain from going to meetings, she may eventually stop trying to constantly convince you to go to meetings.

    As a woman who used to be just like your wife, I think you should know that she probably really feels an obligation to do what she does. She thinks it is LOVING. She has internal pressure from her misguided belief system, and HEAVY external pressure from the congregation. She is judged not only by what she does, but by how you respond. She is told she is BLOOD GUILTY if she does not do what she is doing!

    A wife with an unbelieving or "spiritually weak" husband-unless she becomes uber-pioneer or makes up for it in some other extraordinary way, is generally considered to be spiritually lacking, because, don't ya know, the bible says that if a wife behaves properly, a husband will be "won without a word."The WTS gives lip service about "free will," etc., but bottom line is, the general expectation is that a wife (or husband) will bring their family in line with the party line.Also, she is fed horror stories about what will occur to you and anyone else who doesn't follow the JW way of thinking at Armageddon.

    As far as the WTS, I really don't know why they keep it up. I think it has a lot to do with group dynamics and power and some actually really wanting to have a noble cause to believe in.

  • wobble

    Thank you Cicatrix, for your perceptive and helpful post.

    I do not wish to take this excellent thread off topic, but could you inform us about how you woke up ?

    I have a friend who has a lovely Wife, who sounds just like Tryingtoexit's wife, and he is at his wits end as to how to wake her up, so perhaps your experience could be helpful to us all ? He really loves her, and I am sure she loves him as much, but she just will not discuss or listen, so what to do ?



  • sammielee24

    I went to the meeting today as well - one older sister there made the comment that 'how wonderful' that Russell clear back in 1879 knew the truth about the 144,000 and the other sheep living on earth etc. The comment went right on by and not one person corrected her, they all just nodded in agreement. The modern day congregations not only don't have a clue as to what Russell taught but they are too lazy or uninterested to find out about the history of the man that the WT keeps talking about as their 'leader'. They go along lapping up these changes without any thought.

  • wobble

    Dear Sammielee,

    Sounds to me as though they may be a Cult !



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