How is the DA/DF announcement made at the KH?

by QuestioningEverything 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • QuestioningEverything

    Is there a difference in the announcement when one is Disfellowshipped or Disassociated? It is the same?

    QE is no longer a JW.


    QE has been DF'd from the Christain Congregation.

  • IronHill

    QE is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses...its done the same for both now.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    What Iron Hill said.


    edited to add: That way even if someone DA's for purely doctrinal/policy reasons, the average JW will probably think they were DFed for doing something naughty.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Iron Hill has it right. It is First and Last Name, no "brother" or "sister" and nothing further.

  • BluesBrother

    Just one kind of announcement to cover both d/a and d/f cases

    "XXXXXXX is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses"

    No explanation is given, the sheep proceed to shun them...Reminds you of "Animal Farm", doesn't it?

  • out4good3

    Animal Farm indeed.

    "some animals are more equal than others"

  • leavingwt

    The actual announcement does not give indication of what took place in the Judicial Committee.

    The "buzz" and gossip between congregation members, along with a Local Needs part or two will reveal the details of the "gross" sin that led to the announcement.

    It NEVER remains a secret.

  • yknot
  • QuestioningEverything

    Thanks everyone. A family member had a letter read last night about him at the KH. We were just wondering if you could tell which one it was(DA or DF) by the announcement that was read.

  • diamondiiz

    Local Needs does reveal clues as to why someone was reproved or why one is no longer a jw. A Week after my DA letter they had a local needs on apostasy :)

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