Closing Scene of Bill Maher's Religulous

by the real life 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • the real life
    the real life

    This is an entertaining and moving documentary on the idiocy of religion. I especially liked the closing speech.

    "The plain fact is, religion must die for mankind to live. The hour is getting very late to be able to indulge in having key decisions made by religious people, by irrationalists, by those who would steer the ship of state, not by a compass, but by the equivalent of reading the entrails of a chicken...

    Faith means making a virtue out of not thinking. It's nothing to brag about. And those who preach faith and enable and elevate it are intellectual slaveholders keeping mankind in a bondage to fantasy and nonsense that has spawned and justified so much destruction.

    Religion is dangerous because it allows human beings who don't have all the answers to think that they do. Most people would think it's wonderful when someone says 'I'm willing Lord, I'll do whatever you want me to do.' Except that since there are no gods actually talking to us, that void is filled in by people with their own corruptions and limitations and agendas... The only appropriate attitude for man to have about the big questions is not the arrogant certitude that is the hallmark of religion, but doubt. Doubt is humble and that's what man needs to be, considering that human history is just a litany of getting shit dead wrong.

  • awildflower

    100% AMEN Bill! I loved that documentary, in fact I need to watch it again!

  • BurnTheShips

    Oh lord. Maher is lecturing about humility? MAHER?

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    You left out the best part:

    "That's it. Grow up, or die."

  • loosie

    I loved that movie.

  • MissingLink

    Brilliant stuff. Thinking is good.

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    I like this: Faith means making a virtue out of not thinking.

    There's this absolute nutcase on A.M. radio named Michael Savage (he makes Limbaugh and Hannity look like moderates, but that's another conversation)--he has a book called "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder." I would like to revise his tagline as follows: Faith is a mental disorder.

  • PSacramento

    Ah extremissim, yes, that's always worked great through out history.

  • flipper

    THE REAL LIFE- Excellent documentary indeed ! My wife and I just bought it on DVD after watching it a couple months ago on rental. I agree with everything Maher says in the expose of religion

  • finding my way
    finding my way

    Very interesting! I need to get this movie ASAP.

    The thought that religion is killing us is something I'm just waking up to. Growing up as a JW I always agreed that it must be truth because JW's didn't fight eachother in war like "everyone else". But sitting back and doing nothing for the world (and contributing to other world problems) is just as bad. I remember feeling like it was wrong to donate canned goods at christmas even though that was the only time they set up drives at school. Other donations not to the society seemed to be looked down upon too. That's so sad to me.

    I never thought twice about how much waste I generated or how my lifestyle affected the animals, waters, plants and other people on this planet. I do now and it feels overwhelming at times, but it still feels good to be caring and acting then sitting back, contributing to the problem and then just waiting for God to take care of it all.

    A ton of things bothered me about the beliefs of the Watchtower when I began investigating and it may sound silly, but one of them was the lack of care for the environment. Even though they print arcticles about these issues, they still use animal glue (which I believe contributes to the mass slaughtering of factory farmed animals going on in the world, which has a huge domino effect on the environment and world hunger) in all their books and I believe they've been fined for environmental issues once or twice.... correct me on that if I'm wrong but I think I read that.

    I realize that may sound a little fanatical... It just happened to be one of the things I thought of when I was thinking about my own path.


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