I was required to have a CHAPARONE to do LAUNDRY

by WuzLovesDubs 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • WuzLovesDubs

    What the hell.... I still own the house that my estranged husband lives in, into which he is moving his JW sister and her husband and five children. They are not all moved in yet and are still working on the house. My washing machine broke at my townhouse and I asked a week ago last Friday if I could come over and do my laundry at the house. Mine and his TWO youngest kids' laundry. He said yes, left the back door open for me. I spent four hours during the day doing my laundry there. Never saw him or anyone else. Brought my own soap. While I was there, I unloaded the dishwasher, washed the sink out, took out the garbage, did his laundry with mine because I had a few small loads...and let "their" dog out several times to have something to do. And left. He never even thanked me for helping him out. His only comment was "you dont have to DO that any more." Well shit I dont have to HELP ANYBODY if I decided to be an ass. Thats what I do when someone does me a favor I try to reciprocate. So...

    Tuesday, I find out the part wont be in for another WEEK for the damn washing machine. Call DH ask if I can come over on Wed my day off and do more laundry. He doesnt reply until 11:30PM Tuesday night when Im at work and sends a text saying he will be "home at 3pm if that will do". I thought..."home?" why? But replied "thats fine see you then."

    Wed I wait til 3:30 til my youngest gets home because A) he needs to help me haul all this and B) as long as his dad is home perhaps they can spend some time together. He is texting me at 3:45 wondering if Im coming.

    I got there and we brought all the stuff in and I said "So, why are you home? You could have just left the door open again." And I see that his sisters middle son is home this time...he is home schooled. And alone all day. He is 12.

    DH looks at our son, looks at me, looks irritated that I asked, and says "I dont want to discuss it!" And walks away. I said "What??? Please dont tell me you came home from WORK because I was going to be here doing laundry????" He continues out of the room. He proceeds to go play Wii with his nephew and son the entire rest of the time I am there.

    What the hell happened between the Friday before and Wednes??? Why all of a sudden do I have to be chaparoned to stand in the laundry room?? Not only that...I was there for FOUR HOURS and he didnt say a goddamn word to me the entire time I was THERE. Who was he trying to impress with this rude behavior??

    I'll tell you what I am ASSUMING the reason for this rude behavior is: His JW sister decided she didnt want the APOSTATE in the house ALONE WITH HER KID!! And my ex didnt have the balls to tell her that I was only there to do LAUNDRY and never EVER have I been a "spiritual endangerment to ANYBODY in that frickin house, and its HIS HOUSE! So I end up getting treated like shit and chaparoned like a 13 year old on a date because the self righteous JWs in my family decided I wasnt to be trusted.

    I told him I was never coming back to the house again. That I will not allow them to treat me like shit tracked in on someones shoe. And his children have SEEN him and them...treat me this way. He treats his exjw MOTHER this way for Gods sake!

    Phuque em all. And these are members of Jehovahs "Loving" Christian Brotherhood??? Oh HELL no.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff


    What happened is that somewhere along the way he discussed letting you use the house the first time. Either with an elder or with his sister. It moved from an act of kindness, to a potential danger in that conversation, and he lost his nuts in the shuffle.

    I don't blame you. I would never go back in that house again. And if you own the house I would probably find ways to make his living there just a bit less comfortable too.


  • WTWizard

    " And if you own the house I would probably find ways to make his living there just a bit less comfortable too."

    With the holidays coming up, I am sure you can find a good number of ways to accomplish that. Such as having the whole place decorated to the hilt, inside and outside, for Halloween. Then, the day after Halloween, start rigging up the Christmas lights. And plan on a big Christmas party. That ought to do the job.

  • Farkel

    :I was required to have a CHAPARONE to do LAUNDRY

    Were you suspected of having carnal knowledge with your washing machine? I'm sure the governing body has that listed somewhere in its list of mortal sins.


  • nelly136

    if you legally own the home and theyre leaving a child in there unattended, who is ultimately liable to be sued for damages if any harm comes to said child?

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Good question Nelly...sure as hell aint ME. We do have liability however.

  • Satanus

    Dumb questiom, maybe. But, if it's yours, why don't you sell it, or live in it?


  • nelly136

    i dont know how it works over there but over here if you/someone claims against your insurance it puts the premiums up next time round.

  • LanDi

    Well, us Apostates are lower than the low. You see Category 1 sex offenders ( pedophiles) to them arer redeemable sinners, but we are pure EVIL. We conspire to cause the deaths of all mankind, misleading them from God in a deliberate attempt to cause them to rise up and believe in the trinity. They see you and me as the Serpent in the Garden of Eden just dying for the chance to ask " Is it really so that Jehovah's really going to destroy this wicked system?" or " Is it really true that Jehovahs Witnesses have got the truth because......". We are the embodiement of the greatest wickedness in this system and die hard enemies of God ( Jehovah ) and a major risk to the safety and spiritual welfare of their children putting their lives in terrible danger.

    Come on, you know the truth and you've deliberately turned your back on it, throwing away the chance to warn you fellow man about certain destruction, very selfish and two fingers to Gods will inthe short time we have left in this system.

    I notice that the boy is home schooled, VERY interesting. What is it with the Dubs that they must home school ? Take their children away from their friends, alienating them from society. THis causes major social problems in later life and it's so common with them. As humans we are friendly creatures, sociable until pushed to do otherwise. THey drum into you that everyone must be prejudged as to their righteousness ( bad associations ) before you mix, and then constantly kept an eye on as to their spirituality and thus - whether they are " good association.". This destroys our natural obligations. Naturally, you and I are the worst kind of assocation. Don't take it personal, best to feel pity for your husband. He's a lost soul by the sound of things, and probably on the verge of a breakdown. Remember Dubyahs have a 4 X more likelyhood of developing Paranoid Schizophernia. Be thankful you can see.............

  • Leprechaun

    I was told I had to have a CHAPARONE, at my honey moon I kid you not, I guess the elder wanted to make sure we did not do anything kinky.

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