Problems: The Bethel Family and Social Security Tax Exemption

by daniel-p 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Thank you Chaserious, I have always wanted to read that.

    I need to be clearer (tho hereI kind of like to be vague.... ) when I describe a situation.

    The "Bethel Bro" (that was rich, and still gets a SS check) STILL SERVES AT BETHEL.....

    He is still living there, at Beth Hell.... and gets an SS check.... and, according to #6:

    6. To turn over to the local organization of the Order all income received from any work or personal efforts in excess of my necessary living expenses, unless released from this vow by the Order;

    He would have to give the Watchtower his check... right?

    (Unless, of course, it was a mere pittance, and wasn't "in excess of his necessary living expenses...." )

    ;-) cha ching (thx again)

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