Social Club or Religion?

by koolaid-man 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • koolaid-man

    Is the Jehovah's Witness Organization more of a social club than a religious organization? Many are not finding Biblical truth but for some odd reason they continue to loyally follow an organization that gives the false hopes. It seems as though the Witnesses like being attached to an organization rather than getting true spiritual information. The glue that seems to hold so many Witnesses together is not based on Biblical truth, however, with the solidarity and comradery of belonging to something is what keeps them in.

    Our guest on the conference call for Saturday September 26th at 7PM EST will be Richard Kelly, author of the book "Growing up in Mama's Club".

    Our pre-conference call program opens at 6:30 PM EST. All of those who have been touched by the tentacles of the Watchtower have an opportunity to dial in and talk to old friends and meet new ones.

    Getting on the call is easy, dial 712-432-8710. When asked for pin enter 9925. There is no charge for the call, only your normal calling rates will apply.

  • jaguarbass

    Many People in general are walking around in a trance if they arent in a religion than they are consumers,

    or sports fans, or gamblers, or drug addicts.

    Its always interesting to find someone who marches to a different drummer.

  • koolaid-man
  • koolaid-man

    Hope you can join us on the call tonight. If you can't listen in live, you can go to our archives and listen to recorded conference calls. Just hit the following link.

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