Helpful Techniques For Getting In Your Pioneer Time

by Bangalore 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • mamochan13

    Great list. 100 hours is a lot of work otherwise. I confess to having used a few of them myself. Here's another one used by several of the pioneers in my circuit.

    Count Time During Meetings:

    If your bible study attends the meeting with you, you can count time for the whole meeting. If you pick the study up and drop them off, it can add up to three or four hours each meeting.

  • NewYork44M

    If your bible study attends the meeting with you, you can count time for the whole meeting. If you pick the study up and drop them off, it can add up to three or four hours each meeting.

    Don't forget to count a return visit for each of the trips. You can get an extra RV if you stop by for icecream on the way home, ...and the time clock keeps running.

  • I Want to Believe
    I Want to Believe

    In Alaska, we did car-to-door witnessing when it was cold (which is, of course, half the year). Pack at least six people in a van, get out in pairs and do one door. Return to the van for five minutes to warm up. Shuffle pairs and repeat. Takes an hour or two to do one side of one street.

  • joyfulfader

    All of those techniques sound familiar. My old hall had several brothers pioneering who never seemed to talk to anyone but had their time by spring by starting their time at 7am and ending at 2p, counting everything in between. 3 days a week x 7 plus the obligatory Saturday using a similar method yielding 5 hrs gives one a grand total of 26 hrs per week. Doing this means one has their time in 32-33 weeks with about 4 to 5 months to coast or take a vaca...

  • MrFreeze

    My first two years pioneering I opted to put fake numbers. My third year I stopped putting fake numbers and put my real time. They still didn't want to let me quit pioneering. Gotta have that young MS brother pioneering to show a good example to the rest of the flock.

  • LisaRose

    No wonder it takes 6,000+ hours to get one convert, it's probably actually only 600 hours, the rest is coffee breaks, tanning and driving.

  • suavojr

    This is great techniques for myself!! Thanks

  • Aunt Fancy
    Aunt Fancy

    There is a pioneer sister who gets on FB every day and posts a subject she gets from the WT and it didn't dawn on me until my husband said that is how she is getting her hours in.

  • Bangalore



  • DuvanMuvan

    LOL this is hilarious

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