New to board, from's my story.

by radiolady 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • radiolady

    For those of you who have read this in someone elses thread, I apologize. It was suggested I start my own thread so here is my story again for anyone who may have missed it.

    Hello! I am currently from Minnesota and live in St. Paul (Roseville), but the congregation that I went to was in the Apple Valley area. I've been "out" now for about 10 years. I moved to this area about 12 years ago with my ex-husband. He was a ministerial servant at the time. The funny thing is, my life was so messed up and unhappy I just couldn't believe it. Here's my story:
    My father was in the Air Force and I moved a lot. I was born in Bangor, Maine and I lived in Puerto Rico for three and a half years and then moved to Mass, Guam, New Jersey and then finally Missouri. While I was in New Jersey, I met this girl one day when I was sitting in my car waiting for my mother who was in KMart. She handed me a pamphlet and invited me to go to the hall with her. I told her that I didn't think I could do that because I didn't think my mother would allow me. So I politely took the handbill and she went on her way. In the mean time, my grandmother had come to live with us and unbeknownst to me...she was studying. She kept asking me to come with her to the hall and I kept refusing. Finally she said she had someone she wanted me to talk to. It turns out it was the same young lady that had given me the handbill. Hence began my Bible study. I was only 15 years old at the time. During those days...1974, once you started studying, when the person who was studying with you said you were ready to get baptised, you got baptised. I really didn't know what I was doing and didn't totally understand what was all involved. Hey, you study for six months and your ass got baptised! After that, my dad...who was doing a year long duty in Thailand, came home and told my mother "well, at least she'll stay out of trouble". I started in on my parents right away. Eventually I wore them down to a study. We moved to Missouri where I met this guy at school who happend to be my neighbor and a witness. This neighbor eventually became my husband. To make a long story short. My dad retired from the military so that he could get baptised and my mother got baptised later too. I was kind of a phenom in "the truth". 16 year old studies with both parents and brought them my dad to retire after 24 years in the military...blah, blah, blah. I got married at 19 years old (waaayyy to young). But then we know how the witnesses think... Poor kids, can't have any sex until after you're married so you end up going after the first guy that looks good and pays attention to you...and then you marry him just so you can have sex! Sounds stupid. My ex-husband was emotionally and financially abusive...plain and simple. Talks with the elders didn't help. I tried hard to do the right thing. I regular pioneered for a year and tried to be a good wife. He didn't want me to work but I did anyways. And then he wanted me to give him every cent I made. He wanted control of everything, and I ended up with nothing. He didn't want to pay the bills. I had socks with holes in them, our water and heat was always getting turned off, my mother used to give me her underwear and clothes...and my daughter slept on the floor for a while until my mother bought her a daybed...and he was a computer programmer! made pretty good money. He got all these credit cards and proceeded to run every last one up. I got pregnant (on purpose) with our daughter when I was 20...and she is the love of my life (she's 22 now). All the while, I was terribly depressed and started getting physically ill. No one knew what was wrong with me. I ended up in the hospital three times, a month at a time each, for depression. My ex said it was because I had a guilty concience...because I wanted to get out into the world. He used to always say that my thinking wasn't right. I finally got sick and tired of not having anything. He mistreated our daughter and would discipline her in ways that I didn't agree with. If she would forget to change the kitty litter, he one time put it in her bed. Another time he made her wear it around her kneck (He put used kitty litter in a planter and fashioned it around her kneck and made her walk around like that!). All the while I'm growing more and more ambitious. I started working for an insurance company as their receptionist. I used to always get comments about what a nice voice I had, so I started to wonder if I could use my voice to make a living. I had a demo tape made and saw an ad in a community paper for volunteer radio I sent it in. I told myself that I was going to "go for it". I was surprised when I got a call and was told to come on in. My ex-husband was furious. He told me that I would be in too close of contact with the "world" etc. etc. I brought him into the station with me and had him help me pull the music etc. He finally was "okay" with it, but he still was cold towards me and would make disparaging comments all the time. One night I actually thought he was going to hit me! When he got "passed over" for elder he told me it was because my daughter and I were not doing enough in the field. Can you believe that! He was actually blaming us! One night, I had had enough. I came home from the station...saw his car was not there and after 14 years of marriage, I grabbed my daughter and we left. We stayed in a battered womens shelter, where they helped me start over. After I got my own apartment, he came over on our anniversary and asked for a divorce. He divorced me and filed for banckruptcy at the same time! What I didn't know was that he had gone to Washington and met someone that he was interested in there. (My lovely cousin introduced them!) He later said he didn't realize that it was our anniversary and didn't mean to do that on that day...yeah, right. I had already met someone in the radio business, who was kind hearted and had basically witnessed everything that I had been going through. We were good friends and had not been together...yet. After I had gotten my own place was when my best friend and I got together. I'm sure my ex-husband was just waiting in the wings so that he could be free. That's why I did get away from him! My radio career did take off. To the point of having a national radio show on a popular children's station. After all the years of emotional abuse, I was finally diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. (My daughter was diagnosed last year). My ex, certain brothers and sisters use to harrass me and tell me the my illness was all in my head and that I wasn't doing enough and that's why I was sick. I haven't been in the hospital for depression since I left! Am I'm finally happy!

  • think41self

    Hi Radiolady

    I'm glad you started your own thread to introduce yourself, because I wouldn't have seen it otherwise.

    I'm so sorry to hear of your struggles with illness and depression. I have an aunt with seems a terrible illness to have. But you sure turned your life around. I am happy for you and your daughter that you got out when you did, and are now enjoying a successfull career doing something you obviously enjoy. I hope the medical community comes up with some relief for people suffering your illness very soon. In the meantime, welcome to the board and thanks for sharing your story with us.


    Holy Flying Screaming Buddha, Batman!

  • waiting

    Howdy Radiolady,

    Welcome to our forum. I'm glad you got a chance to use your beautiful voice for other that answering back to your jerk husband - and glad you got your daughter & yourself away.

    I hope this season has been ok for y'all? Enjoy!


  • Makena1

    Radiolady - welcome to the board, and thanks for sharing your courageous exodus. I look forward to your future posts.

    All best,

    Some men worship rank, some worship heroes, some worship power, some worship God, & over these ideals they dispute & cannot unite--but they all worship money.

  • Xena

    Hey Radiolady,

    Welcome to the board..nice to have another AirForce brat around

  • AjaxMan


    Welcome to the board and thank you for sharing your story.
    I am also looking forward to reading your posts and learn from your and everyone's experiences as a JW.
    I wish you the best to you and your daughter.


    "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and the best things never die." - The Shawshank Redemption

  • radiolady

    Thank you all so very much for the warm welcome! It's been tough, but I'm making it! I have more recently been doing voice work (commercials) and Property Management. I manage two different condominium associations. My illness does get me down sometimes, which is why I ended up having to leave my job as a producer about a year ago. This has proven to me what I can do and that as much as the witnesses would like us to belive that we aren't worth sh*t, we can prove otherwise. I look forward to hearing from each and every one of you!

  • ISP

    Hi! Welcome to the board! I think peaceloveharmony is near you!


  • ElijahTheThird

    Hi; Welcome to the board. (just a newbie myself) Sorry to hear of your daughters diagnosis, and that you haveing fibromyalgia. I have a couple aquaintences with that. Glad to hear you figured out the JW's delema of premarital sex and an "unbelieving mate". Or it sounds like you did.

    Hope you are having some great Holidays!

  • radiolady

    As of this writing, my daughter has been pretty ill, but she's hanging in there. She lives alone and is not working and doesn't have a car. She's trying but she's in a lot of pain at times and it makes it hard for her to work. (That's really hard on me too, because I've been trying to help her as much as I can and I am totally tapped finacially). Her ELDER dad, treats her like she has the plague or something. He doesn't call her or come by and see her. She was never baptised but he treats her like she's disfellowshipped. I had to email him to tell him to please call his daughter. His wife called her today, interestingly enough. She now wears the pants in their family. My daughter refuses to have anything to do with the witnesses and I think that just bugs him so much that he can't even bring himself to talk to her. You would think that if you did indeed believe that it was "the truth" that you would be doing every thing in your power to make sure you were in constant communication with your child...since you wouldn't want to see her "loose her life" (as they put it). But that just goes to show you...he'd rather go door to door talking to strangers than put forth the effort into helping his daughter. She asked him if she could borrow his car while he was out of town (in Las Vegas), and he said he had to talk to his wife first, and then he called her back and said he couldn't do it. She desparately needed to go to her doctor who was two hours away. I let her use my car, which I wasn't even sure it would make it, and he has two cars, and wasn't even going to be in town to use either one of them! Sheesh!

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