wts link to settlement needed plz

by diamondiiz 3 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • diamondiiz

    Does anyone have a link to official wts site that says they settled with abuse victims in 2007??? I'm trying to find it but looking for such things on wts site is like looking for a needle in a hey stack. TIA

  • jamiebowers

    The press release is on Wikipedia.


    In a press release dated November 21, 2007, Jehovah's Witnesses' Office of Public Information stated: "In the United States, over 80,000 elders currently serve in over 12,300 congregations During the last 100 years, only eleven elders have been sued for child abuse in thirteen lawsuits filed in the United States; In seven of these lawsuits against the elders, accusations against the Watchtower Society itself were dismissed by the courts." [49]

    This is my response:

    Here are the untruths written by the WB&TS in this press release:
    1. The elder arrangement hasn't been in place for the last 100 years. It was instituted
    in the early 1970's, so the record only stands for about 40 years, not 100.
    2. Thousands of people have come forward to say that they were threatened with
    disfellowshiping if they went to the police, so why would it be surprising that so few
    elders have been sued for child molestation?
    3. No one is claiming that only elders have molested children. Many molesters were
    ministerial servants or people who hold no position in the congregation.
    4. The big lawsuit settled in February 2007 was paid for by the WB&TS, and there
    will be many more, because this is a worldwide problem.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Does anyone have a link to official wts site that says they settled with abuse victims in 2007??? I'm trying to find it but looking for such things on wts site is like looking for a needle in a hey stack. TIA

    There is almost certainly not a needle in that haystack. C'mon. WTS saying that they settled with abuse victims? Are you for real?

  • diamondiiz

    found it on wikipedia in the reference section. Here's the link for anyone that wants it for future reference


    Yes, it's white washed as usual but I needed the link to prove to a JW that it's not fiction that the official WT site actually acknowledges settling the suits as a JW totally denied there ever has been any lawsuits against WT and was calling me a lier for not posting and links proving my case :) I went to the WT media site and searched but couldn't find it as it's obvious they don't want it readily available.

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