
by reedoll 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • reedoll

    my husband is studying with the witness and attending the hall.we are seperated and 10 days after i left he moved a woman in. he says he can't divorce me i have to divorce him. i am ill and i need his insurance ,my insurance will not go into effect till 12-2010!!!! what are the guidelines for divorce he says i am keeping him from getting baptized and getting ever lasting life!!

  • cognac

    First of all, don't divorce him if you need his insurance.

    It seems to me that he wants to divorce you before he gets baptised because if he waits until after he's baptised then he can't divorce you until one of you cheat on the the other.

    Don't let him bully you. What he's joining is a cult anyways.

    Btw, welcome!

  • milola

    Don't get a divorce until you have insurance. Actually unless you have someone in the wings I would never divorce him. Eventually if he really wants his freedom he will shell out the bucks to dissolve the marriage.

    And you are not keeping him from getting baptized...his immoral behavior is doing that.

  • scotinsw

    Not sure how much you know about JWs but sex out of marriage is a no-no. If he doesn't get divorced now before he signs his life away he needs to get a scriptural divorce to remain in good standing with them. This is only through a divorce for adultery comitted by the spouse.

    If you get a divorce for any reason not for adultery when you're a JW you get into trouble so this is why he's wanting one now.

    Welcome to the board. can you please let us know if you have any children with your husband. If you do we can give you advice on how to handle this.

  • Farkel

    Shoot the bastard and get his insurance.


  • reedoll

    we have children together but they r my step children and they r all grown.i caught him cheating with one of my friends in our house.so he cant divorce me even though he his not a baptized witness?

  • lisavegas420

    If he's trying to follow the JW rules, he can't divorce you and he can't be living with another woman.

    But then, some make up their own rules than ask for forgivness later.


  • sspo

    He can divorce you any time he wants, no one is holding him back.

    He's living with someone so he cannot get baptized.

    If he really wants the JW religion badly enough, he would officially divorce you, legally marry the other woman

    and it would be fine in the eyes of the elders and congregation

    because all of it happened before he was a witness and he would start with a clean record.

    He's just playing games and wants you to do it so he can blame you for his failed marriage

    and look good in the eyes of witnesses.

  • angel eyes
    angel eyes

    Why should you divorce him? If he wants the divorce then let him do it,and yes if you divorce him he is free to re marry. He cant get baptised whilst living with a woman,then if she moves out and he gets baptised he cant divorce you unless you committed adultary,if you didnt then he isnt free to divorce you and if he did,he cant remarry unless you remarry,only then will he be free to remarry.

    Also if he divorces you once baptised and it isnt on the grounds of adultary he will be df,so he baptism wont last long.

    Sounds like he NEEDs a bible study and to really understand what Jehovah says,not just what mere man might say.

    Hope that has helped. :)

  • jookbeard

    the last thing he needs is a bible study sounds like things are complicated enough without Dubs poking their dirty noses in

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