Recorded Judicial Committee Meeting on Youtube You Won't BELIEVE What The Elders Say...

by Tuesday 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Hi Tuesday...

    Oh...LOL!! Well (((HUGS))) to you anyhow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lady Liberty

  • isaacaustin

    Will look at tomorrow.

  • flipper

    TUESDAY- Wow. This is the same exact crap that I've dealt with on the receiving end of several judicial committee meetings over the years. Although these elders were ESPECIALLY arrogant and really on a very obvious power trip. ALL elders like the control and power they wield over others- but you could tell these guys REALLY got off on it.

    Of course this recorded JC meeting was real . I know, been there experienced that. And it was astounding HOW AGGRESSIVE these jack wipes were in trying to get a confession out of this guy on just ONE doctrine he disagreed with ! It's like they were totally baiting him like " Come on ! Come On ! Just tell us ONE thing you disagree with ! " Then if he admitted to that they'd lower the boom and the axe ( as Gregor said ) and DF him on the spot. They wanted him to do that SO BAD - you could sense these elders were PINING for it !

    But - I thought the guy handled it well . He certainly showed what lack of love these elders truly have , and that they ALWAYS have an agenda thats more important than actually assisting the person involved. Yeah, the guy was trying to make his point - but THAT'S the point - when you are brought up to a JC meeting you ARE NOT allowed to make your point- especially if it disagrees with the elders or the organization.

    In my JC meetings I had written documents and lawsuit threatening letters already delivered to the elders so going in - they knew where I stood in proclaiming my innocence. I took my son as an eyewitness ( 22 yrs. old at the time ) and the elders were amazed at our calm, confidence and that we were not intimidated by them. They expect everybody to cower in fear- because witnesses are trained to ALWAYS fear the elders . We were more respectful to the elders in our meeting than this guy was- but stood our ground firmly and the WT legal headquarters overturned my disfellowshipping . But it's an agonizing experience to go through- and yes - anybody that gets over on the elders deserves their victory. These same arrogant elders have gotten over on innocent victims far too long without having to ever answer for it. Turnabouts fair play

  • TheOldHippie

    This is all fake. Just listen / read the wording, it's just fake. You guys are reading into this fake thing what you want to hear. Was an elder for 25 years - and this has FAKE written all over it.

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