Your chance!!!........ to tell us your Mission Statement in life !

by caliber 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • homeschool

    Ok, seriously, my mission:

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you (did you realize that this saying is basically in EVERY religion and Paganism?)

    I like smiling at people to change their demeanor as well I've got a kickass smile and I know how to use it

    Show EMPATHY. my mother always tells me this & I totally do not do it to her cuz I'm a total brat when I'm around my parents. I opened my own business (on my OWN, with no help but my OWN...and a bit from my handsome hubby)...showing empathy has kept me out of the recession. It shows people that someone still truly cares about them. So important.

    Ask sincere questions. Quit trying to think of your next answer.

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    I want to live long enough to see everyone i dislike die.

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