Loch Ness Monster on Google Earth???

by digderidoo 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • digderidoo
  • bluecanary

    Looks like a squid to me.

  • daniel-p

    um.. looks a lot like a ferry boat. Unless Nessie has a head shaped exactly like a boat.

  • Gerard

    That is Elvis on a powered boat.

  • cameo-d

    It's Leviathan!

    Book of Job 41:1 "Can you pull in the leviathan with a fishhook or tie down his tongue with a rope? Can you put a cord through his nose or pierce his jaw with a hook? ...Can you fill his hide with harpoons or his head with fishing spears?"

    Yes, Virgina, Reptilians are real.

    The festival of Sukkot (Festival of Booths) concludes with a prayer recited upon leaving the sukkah (booth): "May it be your will, Lord our God and God of our forefathers, that just as I have fulfilled and dwelled in this sukkah, so may I merit in the coming year to dwell in the sukkah of the skin of Leviathan. Next year in Jerusalem."

  • Virgochik

    We took a cruise on Loch Ness in autumn '07 after alunch of steak pie and tea at the Clansman but never saw anything resembling Nessie. I'd say it's one of the cruise boats on the water or one of the many speedboats on the lake. I wish it was Nessie, but I don't think it is.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    didn't someone already come forward and admit it was a fake he perpetrated way back when?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Google Earth 'discoveries' can usually be discounted, before you make a fool of yourself, by using the ruler function to measure the size of the object.

    I suggest you do this in future.



  • cantleave

    It plankton from spongebob square pants

  • LouBelle

    cantleave - I agree - it looks very much like him.

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