To those who need no purpose in life

by gumby 80 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby
    life is what it is. meaning that even if i found a personal, internal way to assign meaning to my life, it would still not make life meaningfull externally. therefore, i am very wary of what internal meaning i do assign to life. in the worlds of carl sagan, i would prefer to experience the universe the way it really is, than to persist in delusion

    Well bro, you and I are different. Thinking this life is it.... pretty much sucks in my book. Giving wonderment to an accident doesn't work for me. I'd like to think there was a plan to life. Why would 70 years on this planet fullfil anyone? Carl Sagans idea can still be a reality even with the realisation there is a creator with an agenda. Mystery in life is good.....but a little hint of what's in store for us would even be a bit

    I'm not going to become a believer because I miss the promises....I'm not wired that way or else I'd become a dub again and enjoy my family and friends a bit more. However, my mind s open to any truths that might present themselves. Perhaps I'll feel different someday about not knowing what truth is, but I doubt it.

    (of the I could use a dube right now class)


  • tetrapod.sapien

    gumby dude,

    i actually mostly agree with your sentiments there. it's true, it would be nice to have an official plan for the universe that we are aware of. but since i haven't found any, and neither have many others, i will just enjoy life for the sake of it. and yes, doobies play a roll in this enjoyment regardless... :) if, i'm ever down in your neck of the woods, we'll have a doob together and talk about it all.


  • ballistic

    Well, gumby it's all good, that you continue to question it, rather than find your life filled with interpersonal issues which stiffle out the need to find a reason or the other extreme of drink or drugs which also do the same.

  • Narkissos


    I don't feel that way, even though it took me some time to admit it.

    Questions may be fun; answers are most often boring.

    I find the universe way more beautiful and awe-inspiring without any plan behind it.

    When I left the WT I had come to hate the concepts of "purpose" and "plan" and love the notion of "mystery". Which I think can survive "God".

  • gumby


    I'd really enjoy it if you could drop in if ever your down this way. Me gets the KIND!!! You coulda came to Seattle awhile back when I went to a fest there....but you wasn't baptised into JWD yet and you was prolly to wordly


    Doobies are a must whether you got all the answers or not eat my shorts ya bastard!


    Your another one who doesn't give a shite you'll be dead in 30-40 years and it don't bug ya. You'll never ever be alive again......ever! Your name will be forgotten within a generation or two. Personally, that bugs the shit outta me.


  • anewme

    What was that line in a Woody Allen film?
    He meets a happy smiling couple walking down the street and he interviews them.
    "Tell me" he asks "You both look so happy. How is it that you can be so happy with so much going on in the world?"
    "Well we're actually very shallow people"
    They smile and continue their walk.

    (Food for thought on how to cope)

  • tetrapod.sapien

    LOL, ya i think that was from annie hall...

    love that scene, love it...

  • gumby
    "Well we're actually very shallow people"
    (Food for thought on how to cope)

    What if your not the shallow type?


  • Narkissos
    Your another one who doesn't give a shite you'll be dead in 30-40 years and it don't bug ya. You'll never ever be alive again......ever! Your name will be forgotten within a generation or two. Personally, that bugs the shit outta me.

    Gumby pal,

    Does it bug you that 60 years ago "you" weren't there?

    The sempiternal question is "what am 'I'?"

    I am a provisional compound of atoms, molecules, genes, words, ideas, feelings, that came from "before me" and will go on "after me". An elusive fold, a wave on the sea... but without "me" "it" wouldn't be exactly the same.

    "I" may be a part of eternity (whatever that may mean), but eternity is too big for "me".

    Think of it and you might come to love the prospect of the sun rising, birds singing and children playing when "you" will not be there anymore.

  • AuldSoul

    I wonder if I will ever smoke a doobie...

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