JW hijacked sisters my wedding

by artemis.design 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • artemis.design

    Just a few months ago my little JW sister got married at 19. I remember how excited she was when she started planning the wedding. Both she and her partner made it clear that there were lots of none JW's present (myself included) so it was not to be a "Theocratic" event. None of those stupid plays or performances. Just good food, good drink and good dancing. Just like a normal wedding. In fact she even wrote it on the invitations just to make sure every one was 100% clear. Dream on sis!

    Well things started going wrong right from the beginning. What started as a 75 person guest list increased to over 200 as they were pressured to invite all the witnesses in both congregation. At the wedding things got worse as even more uninvited guests started to turn up. Free food and drink, for over 250, all paid for my teenage sis and hubby.

    Never mind, it was only one day. It will be perfect. They had a fantastic band lined up.

    But no, congregation could not resist butting in. 6 hours of pathetic witness related plays and games. The worse one was a watchtower version of who wants to be a millionair. Poor sis and hubby could not answer a single question. They stood there for about half an hour with a blank look on their faces completly humiliated. All they could do was watch everyone get bored out of their brain. Most of the non witnesses made their excuses and left. Finally, it dragged on so long even most of the witnesses left It was not until 11pm, that finally the music began.

    The last hours was brilliant. It was just unfortunate that there were only about 20 people left dance and none of their friends or work collegues.

    Poor sis was so angry and embarrased in front of her friends. Not to mention was left with a collossal bill. Even on her day, the best day of her life, the congregation could not help going against her wishes. I wish I had the guts to have just grabbed the mic and said cut the crap, lets dance.

    Any coment on witness weddings you have attended.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    That is inexcusable. You should have had me there. I would have kept it going straight, just like li'l sis wanted.

  • VoidEater

    A witness wedding? Not since my teenage years (much longer ago than I like to think about). We didn't have any of these acts at the weddings I've been to. THings were simpler, back when a "generation" was a "generation".

  • villabolo

    I remember a JW wedding were it was specified that it would be a family only event and that was respected. Of course the person announcing it was an elder and father of the groom. The family just went to a little italian restaurant. Other JW weddings I have gone to seemed pretty laid back and simple. Things seem to have gotten complicated since.

    I'm not surprised that the reception was crashed for free food but were those stupid games the elders idea?



    Free food..Free Alcohol..

    Jehovah`s Witness have no problem Crashing a Wedding..

    1200 showed up at mine..I did`nt invite 90% of them..



  • IWillBeDubbedNoMore

    That is outrageous! How dare they. I feel so bad for your sister and her husband. I have never seen anything like that at any wedding that I have attended, it was always understood that it was by invitation only. Weddings are so expensive, so everyone understood. The games must be something new. Never seen that either.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Those stupid games are done at congregation "get togethers." I don't remember seeing them done at weddings, though.

    In the small town I lived in, the whole congregation was invited to the wedding and a potluck reception. It was the greatest time I ever had as a kid.

    When I got to be an adult, I had never heard of members of the congregation being closed out of a JW wedding or JW reception. There had always been a general invitation card addressed to the whole congregation to come to the wedding.

    So, when there was a wedding with the congregation invited and then a reception by invitation only, I didn't understand the concept. I went to both even though I was not invited to the reception. I really didn't know any better. Now, of course, I'm embarrassed very much for my actions.

    The mother of the groom and I had pioneered together for a whole year, so I didn't understand why I didn't get an invitation and why it was catered making it so that not everyone could attend. I asked both the mother and father if I could come. The father said yes but the mother said NO!

    I was raised to think that JW's were my family and were closer than any real non-JW family ever could be. I thought I could go to anything and everything the congregation did, invitation or not. I was really clueless. I learned what not to do from my mom.

    I had a mom who was so obnoxious in public that no one invited her anywhere. I was not invited anywhere, either, by extension.

    I really didn't understand any of it. Having only JW associates who I didn't associate with that much outside of service and the meetings really slowed down my learning social skills and common manners.

    I was pleasant enough but didn't know how to behave in a group setting outside the khall. I wonder if I was the only socially stunted JW that way. No exposure to society as a whole will retard social growth. It sure did in my case. I'm still learning what is appropriate and not in situations.

    I'm almost 41, too!


    White Dove..

    We`re all still learning..The WBT$ did us no favours..

    "Egg" will have a better chance and hopefully a better life..


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Yes, my Eggs left when they were 15 and 17 so they were rescued a lot earlier in life than I was.

    Now that I know better, I never EVER take down or feel bad when some are invited right in front of me to do something and I'm not. I just figure that they are the ones lacking manners. If they wanted me along, I figured they would ask me. I have since put on my big girl panties and don't let down or invite myself anywhere if it's not appropriate for that specific instance. I'm super careful now.

    I get the feeling that although the JW lack common manners and tact, some non-JW lack those skills, too. There are stories on the 'net about wrecked weddings. A 100 guest event turned into 300 and 400.

  • What-A-Coincidence

    married at 19? good luck

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