A New Term

by monkeyman 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • monkeyman

    JW identify any who cease to attend meetings as those were “stumbled” “fell away” “drifted away” or “not of our sort”.

    This is grossly unfair and blatantly untrue in most cases.

    In my case, I have 2 family members that no longer attend because they were “abused” by several elders. Without details, they were forced to comply with pet peeves of these elders that had nothing to do with Bible principles. It was strictly an abuse of power.

    The final blow was when they were mocked from the platform as being “murmerers” and cast as the Bible character Korah when they were anything but. The emotional “abuse” became so bad the only resort to peace and well being was to quit going to the place they received the abuse. How Sad. For all the times elders are referred to as “a hiding place from the wind”…in this case and in many other cases, they ARE THE WIND.

    Now here comes the evil part. The innocent victims are the ones labeled as being “stumbled” “drifted away” and “fell away”, as if they had anything to do with it. Sadly, these are the only terms JW are allowed to use with such ones. The truth is they don’t apply at all. These terms infer the guilt belongs with the wronged party instead of the wrongdoer (the elder).

    So we are left without a proper term for someone who has been abused by the elders and no longer attends meetings just because such an event was never recorded in the Bible. JW would have us believe that if it isn’t in the Bible, it doesn’t exist. Not!

    So here is a new term, “Elder Abuse”. I just invented it. There, now you have it, an appropriate and applicable term that we can use for victims who through no fault of their own, no longer attend meetings. They stay home to protect themselves from further emotional harm.

    JW would have us believe that type of abuse doesn’t exist. Unfortunately, it does.

  • purplesofa

    so very true,

    I have seen it happen,


  • JWdaughter

    EXACTLY. The worst thing for the WT is that their policies on the subject cause more to leave entirely when a conversation would probably help. That is why it is a cult. Conversations and discussion-sincere-are not allowed. Power is abused systematically and institutionally.

  • Quandry

    How about "Spiritual Bullies"

  • bluecanary

    I don't have a problem with the term "stumbled." I was stumbled by the elders. Stumbled right out of "The Truth." Of course, I'm glad to be out now that I know it's The Lie. But you know what the Bible says about those who stumble others. Yep, it's the heavy sentence for them. So I broadly declare that I am stumbled and will happily point out the asses responsible.

  • DaCheech

    rhat's why I was asking for those scriptures 1 week ago


    sorry, there are alot of people these days stressed and abused, the elders have a heavy judgement upon them..... hope they can sleep at night

  • monkeyman

    Bluecanary... "stumbled" still implies that the fault lies with you. It implies You were somehow incompetent, weak, ill footed, poorly balanced, not paying attention to where you were going, etc.

    Does that apply to you?

    Still ok with that term?

    My point is that most people accept the terms they are labeled with. And that is because those are the only terms we are given. And then we wrongly accept the guilt that comes along with it. If that doesnt apply to you, then dont accept the guilt and the blame.

    You are a victim. And OTHERS are to blame.

    Doesnt that feel good?

  • bluecanary

    I gotcha monkeyman. The term doesn't have the same connotation for everyone, and no I wouldn't want them to have that impression of me.

  • yknot


    I got compared to him at the local grocery store this week by an alleged supefine MS whose next utterance was if I had heard or could confirm a WTS rumor!)

    I would estimate that 99.4% of members have experienced EA in their lifetimes.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Elder abuse usually means abuse of the Elderly by their offspring or any other uworthy younger realitive or person. So though I like the term in this use I think it will be misunderstood. Perhaps Overseer Abuse would be more on spot? Either way its' the big boys who most often hurt the flock. Sickening. W.Once

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