Interfaith in NYC?? Who knows details?

by OhHappyDay 23 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • biblexaminer

    I was going to call Steven F. tomorrow morning. I was going to ask, politely, if it would be at all possible to get a copy of the WTS papers etc.

  • Dino

    Hi biblexaminer!

    You are indeed a man of action. Something that is greatly appreciated. Your family circumstances are like mine so that we feel the urgency.
    If I might be so bold as to make a suggestion. If you ask broad, general questions, they wont get rattled. What I was going to attempt was to get some printed literature on their TOTAL christian membership. They of course, have a Buddhist, Zoroastrian, Islamic, etc. makeup as well.
    I was also going to try to get reports on what programs they have been involved in collectively. Especially in line with the UN. I am going to talk with several within the Interfaith center.
    But whatever way you handle it, I am sure it will be just fine. Sometimes the direct approach is best.
    Wishing you success.


  • cyberguy


    Please let me know what you find out. I've got a letter in the works to a heavy in Brooklyn with regards to the UN scandal and the Interfaith Center connections.

  • OhHappyDay

    Hi Folks,
    you are working hard at chritsmass, indeed.

    This is the 1st time in life I celebrated christmass.

    And there are some guys who are responsible for it:

    1st Lee Elder and Osarsif

    And Kent Steinhaug, Randy Watters and last but not least Hawkaw.

    (Hi hawk- please tell at home about THIS result you had...!)

    Of course there are many others like some germans (H.J. Twisselmann, Hajo Kammer and Stephan Wolf). Of course RAY FRANZ, too. Not to speak about those wounderfull articles written by Alan Feuerbacher and N. Haughland...

    Now there is this Interfaith oportunity. God, I wish u guys can make something out of it. Over here in Europe I am watching and hoping. May Santa Claus bless u all!!!

    Happy Day!

  • JosephAlward
    He said that they would never link to an official website of any religion without an express, written request on their letterhead.

    That's preposterous. Someone either misunderstood what the Interfaith representative was saying, or else the representative was lying. Does anyone have a copy of a email from the Interfaith, attesting to this fact?

    There are a number of things which makes this claim unbelievable. First, there's no claim on the Interfaith site (* that the organizations listed in the directory accepted the aims of the Interfaith Center. Why would they need permission to include the link?

    Second, the link to the Unitarian Universalist website (*, for example, seems clearly NOT to have been made at the request of the Universalists, because the Interfaith Center impugns the Universalists with these comments:

    *Many question whether this group is still Christian.
    Really? Well, the Universalists think they are Christians, and they even publish a magazine called, The Christian Century. Would they not retract whatever “permission” they had given after reading this?

    In regards to the Universalist’s web site, the Interfaith Center declares that it is

    …poorly designed
    Does anyone on this forum really believe that the Universalists gave the Interfaith permission to denigrate it?

    I think this Interfaith business is a waste of energy. It’s clear that the directory of links to the various religious organizations’ web sites was made without receiving even one letter of permission on “letterhead.” Someone is either lying, or exaggerating.

    I’ve written the Unitarian Universalists to ask them if they sent permission on letterhead to the Interfaith Center, but they will be unable to reply until they’re back from vacation, on January 2. I’ll let you know what they say, but I think none of you will be holding your breath. We know what they will say.

    Joseph F. Alward
    "Skeptical Views of Christianity and the Bible"


  • OhHappyDay

    Thank u Joseph, for your comment.

    I'm looking forward to see that Universalists Answer.

    Happy Day!!

  • cyberguy


    You're simply full of crap! I do believe that this scandal should be looked into further! There's enough evidence that there's something wrong here, from what I can tell! You have to remember that the Society's lawyers constantly patrol the Internet to see if there are references to their site that are unauthorized! I can't believe they would allow a site such as this to link to JW's without there being some justification! I can understand why you're being the Devil's advocate here! Yet, Your comment is simply ridiculous!

  • biblexaminer

    Alward sucks at the tits of the watchtower. He defends her no matter what, and then tries to act as if he's not really a borg.

  • Dino

    Hello Joe!

    Yes , on the surface of things, it is "thin".

    You and yours are smart enough to see that.
    However, we will see what surfaces after the holidays.
    And let me promise you this will go much deeper than contacting the Unitarians. Thats all I will say for now.

    Hang in there BX, OHD, and cyberguy.
    HAWK...check your email.


  • anewperson

    A WTS rep gave a talk before an interfaith group in Germany in or about 1999. The interfaith meeting was hosted by Scientology.

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