I'd ask anonymous people on the internet until I found an argument that suited me and use that to decide to do what I've already decided to do.
I have a conundrum....armchair psychologist needed!
by journey-on 35 Replies latest jw friends
When I divorced, it was frankly, and all or nothing decision, a selfish decision that basically said I put to much of myself into one person, and one way of worshipping. (i.e. co dependence)
My experience and observing others at such a cross roads tells me that this is a very unique, personal situation. I actually agree with Farkel.
If you stay, stay because of the long term benefit to you, and if you go your own way, do so for the long term benefit it will bring to you.
There is no immediate happiness to be found in this, just an appraisal if rebuilding the damage or rot is better then starting a different building all together.
The only strong opinion I have is this: I bet your gut/instincts/conscious already knows and is somehow communicating the answer to you. The problem is, do you have enough emotional maturity and ownership of yourself so that the decision is correct without being co dependent?
I really wish for wisdom to find you in this. Believe me, I get the pain very much, and the decisions are difficult ones to make.
Wait! Did I miss the crux of this?? Is it a make or break situation? I'm sorry JO, for being flip.
Gubberning, I personally have come to love many of the people here. Maybe I'm naive, maybe its all just the internets, but I think many of us have built some kind of bond here.
bek, it's all projection. You see the world, not as it is but as your are. - Anais Nin
I agree with Beks... It's hard to understand the bond of former JW's on the internet.. Lets put it that way. Strange, but not strangers....
You see the world, not as it is but as your are.
Fortunately, I see the world as mostly beautiful.