Why don't they do more to protect the children from sexual abusers?

by Lady Lee 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Flipper asked this question and got me thinking about it. Why don't they do more to protect the children? Why not hunt the abusers down and get them out of the organization? So I started thinking about the mind control techniques that cults use and wondered if they play a part in it and if so how?

    If we look at Lifton's Eight Criteria for Thought Reform it is interesting to see how it fits into a cults ideology. (I thought this would be just a couple of them but I think they all play into it)

    Milieu Control

    Milieu control takes over human communication from both within the group and outside the group. The leaders decide what information you can and cannot have. Eventually the process is intense enough that the individual begins to control their inner thought processes not allowing forbidden thoughts to be entertained in their own minds. There are controls in place both within the group to limit access to everything a person sees, hears, reads and writes. Peer pressure is used to maintain the control. And the last aspect of milieu control is implanting a fear that the only place you are safe is inside the group; that people on the outside will not understand.

    The WTS depends heavily on JWs thinking only approved positive thoughts about the org. It is unthinkable that the WTS and JWs have the same problems to the same extent as the rest of the world. Problems like alcoholism, mental health problems, adultery. sexual abuse of children, spousal abuse are unthinkable for people in God's org. Therefore it must be edited out, covered-up. That sentence at the end - that "the only place you are safe is inside the group" is crucial to the members of the group. Telling members they must protect themselves from each other is not compatible with "this is the only place where you are safe".

    Mystical Manipulation

    Leaders who use mind control techniques almost always claim that they are agents of some "higher power" or force. Their purposes are higher, more pure, uniquely righteous, and exclusive. By claiming this they can then claim that they are the ONLY path to salvation. Since members are convinced that they are the ONLY chosen ones, whatever they do to enhance or put forward that belief is acceptable. It also allows members to use deception or playing with words to hide their real purpose.

    The "higher power" here is supposedly Jehovah who is higher, purer, uniquely righteous and exclusive". If they are like everyone else with the same problems as everyone else their claim of special salvation goes down the drain. At all costs they must use deception to maintain the illusion.

    Demand for Purity

    For groups that use these techniques the world becomes divided into "us" and "them". We are right, absolutely good, pure, chosen and everybody else is wrong, absolutely bad, evil and doomed. To maintain your status in the group as one of the chosen you must continually prove yourself worthy by conforming to ever changing beliefs. The demand for purity also permits leaders to expel those who do not absolutely conform. The need to conform in thought, feeling, and behavior would move to get people to confess if they personally did not conform in some manner.

    There is so much pressure to have no problems. It is totally unrealistic and is probably the root of so many of the health problems JWs experience. So it wouldn't look very good to be advertising the very real problems in the congregations. So even though these things do occur they must at all costs remain hidden even at the expense of vulnerable children. The need for a "clean" reputation would come before the people involved. So everything gets swept under the carpet.


    Many group require forms of confession. In a thought controlled group this takes on intense dynamics. In these groups confessions can go on for hours with constant criticism all with the goal of the individual acknowledging that they have not conform to the group ideology. The individual must surrender any sense of self and go back into the group mentality.

    During elders meetings for sexual abuse cases there have been many stories where the child was forced to sit in front of their abuser and listen to him deny the abuse. For elders whose main job is to make sure the org's reputation stays clean it is just too easy to accept the word of the accused and call the victim a liar. In this instance confession or lack of confession is all that is required for the elders to discount the word of the victim. It actually works opposite to the way it should work to the detriment of the children who may be prey to the abuser.

    Sacred Science

    A totalistic group believes that they alone have the only true ideology. Questioning or criticizing the group is the equivalent of questioning God - an absolute sin. It is only the leaders of the group who can interpret the group ideology. For many members there is a sense of security in this because they do not need to think for themselves about the validity of the beliefs. They can simply allow others to do the thinking and they just accept.

    Once a person has been declared "innocent" by the elders questioning the decision, goes against the structure of the group. Criticizing the decision has led to many threats of discipline for the victims and their families. The leaders (in this case the elders) make a decision and it MUST BE OBEYED. Other JWs who may know a bit of the story close their eyes and follow the example of the elders even to the point of walking into a court room and supporting the accused.

    Doctrine over Person.

    Group ideology ALWAYS takes precedence over the individual. If a person questions the group ideology then the person is made to feel like there is something wrong with them. It is always turned around so that the individual is wrong and they are made to feel guilty.

    Clearly in cases of sexual abuse the group ideology takes first place here. The victim's needs are not important. The org will always come first.

    Dispensing of Existence

    According to totalistic groups they have the right to decide who belongs and who doesn't Those who belong will be saved or honored; those that don't are condemned. This instills fear that if one leaves the group one is doomed.

    It is fascinating that the org chooses to keep the abusers in the org and if necessary toss the victim, labeling them as a slanderer, causing divisions, disobedient. . . They decide who stays and who goes. It is a pretty effective tool at keeping the victims and their families quiet. And if they decide to leave the org then that is just one less problem for the elders to deal with.

    Loading the Language

    Most of these groups develop a special use of words that is exclusive to the members. Outsiders would not know what these words meant. Using the words will help members identify other members. A second purpose of special words is to segregate members from non-members. If people do not understand how words are being used it is difficult to communicate. A third purpose of this special language is to stop the thinking process. By using these words or sayings the individual does not need to consider a point. It constricts the language which in turn constricts thought, therefore making it easier for the group to maintain control.

    I was thinking that this didn't apply but on second thought I think it does.

    Those words - disobedient, slanderer, liar, causing divisions. Those are pretty heavy words to lay on a child who has already been sexually abused. These words are used as threats to silence victims. They are often enough to stop anyone from asking what happened - from getting the facts. Loaded language can do a lot to instill fear in people.

    Let's not forget "wait on Jehovah" to deal with things. That effectively shuts most JWs up

    Wow I thought only one or two but am boggled

  • flipper

    LADY LEE- Good thread. It is so important to talk about the WT coverups in regards to child abuse because I feel that " cult mind control" is one of the biggest reasons JW members are put under fear to NOT report it to police for fear of reprisal in doing so. Witnesses are under " information control" according to Steve Hassan in his books on mind control and the one thing the WT society does NOT want is even their own people knowing there is a huge problem in the WT organization. I guarantee you- 95 to 99 % of JW's I talked to ( and I talked a lot about it ) about the 2007 child abuse settlements in California with 16 victims did NOT know any settlement had taken place !

    And if we observe HOW the WT society tried blackballing Barbara Anderson and her husband in 2002- once she went public on Dateline - it infuriated the WT leaders because they don't want their dirty laundry exposed to the public or their own followers. They actually don't care about the emotional health of abuse victims - what they care about is keeping the victims victimized by allowing pedophiles free roam to different congregations and telling victims they have to forgive and forget like Jehovah- and it all goes away like a bad dream. What the WT society doesn't understand - is it's not that simple. I truly feel in the future that we will see more child abuse lawsuits against the WT society because they are so arrogant and brazen in their insisting on elders reporting all child abuse cases to the Bethel legal first to see if they should report it to police at all ! So- once again- it's ALL about control , control, control. And for what ? Sacrifice the children for the WT societies reputation. I think I need a glass of red wine now. Getting annoyed as I write this. Thanks for putting up this thread

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Thanks to you Flipper for asking the question that got me thinking about how this all plays out.

    The same could be said for spousal abuse in the cong too.

  • flipper

    LADY LEE- You are welcome. And yes, definitely it could play out and does in spousal abuse in the same scenario.

    One of my older sisters stayed married to a JW man for 20 years ( 20 years too long ) as he totally abused her, hoodwinked the elders , but he beat her, cheated with other sisters in the kingdom hall, and damaged her sex organs so badly- she could never be with another man, and to this day at age 57 - 20 years later- still has post traumatic stress syndrome and sees a therapist regularly. The reason he waited so long to pull the plug on the marriage ? Elders in her congregation made her feel GUILTY by telling her she must not be a good Christian wife. They said , " You must be doing something that makes your husband mad ! " Yeah- Like what ? Existing ? Oh brother. But she was " controlled " to believe she COULD NOT get out of the marriage and please Jehovah. Pretty sick stuff. Finally the dam breaks - and she HAD to leave, or die.

    My wife and I have a good friend who posts regularly on the board and she stopped going to meetings 6 months ago because elders were letting a pedophile groom children right in the kingdom hall. She wrote letters to the elders. C.O. and Bethel - to no avail. They basically just gave her the company line - " Well sister in the paradise all these bad memories will be gone. " Made her angry as could be. And it has made her elder husband think as well- because he got unjustly deleted for standing up for his wife against the elders. The pedophile actually assaulted him in thekingdom hall - yet her husband got deleted as elder - and he's the one who was assaulted, go figure. There are lots of stories of travesties of justice going on as we speak in the organization. Just these 2 scratch the surface- if we really knew about all of them we'd be astonished

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Those words - disobedient, slanderer, liar, causing divisions. Those are pretty heavy words to lay on a child who has already been sexually abused. These words are used as threats to silence victims. They are often enough to stop anyone from asking what happened - from getting the facts. Loaded language can do a lot to instill fear in people.

    I'm not familiar with Eight Criteria for Thought Reform. Thanks for posting it, that's a great read. Interestingly, I think this is one thread all those who use the reniaa account will avoid. Can't imagine why.

    I don't know if this fits in with your post, you express yourself far better than me, but I've maintained for years that the Witnesses' treatment of child abuse only makes sense if you look at it from a certain point of view. If you look at that little sect as a religious Amway, a pyramid scheme, and all those meetings are nothing but sales meetings, then the whole point of what they do becomes boiled down to being little more than peddlers of a dumbed down, cheap bunch of magazines and paperbacks.

    Now if you look at them that way, then it makes a great deal of sense why they have no patience when Real Life intrudes. Whether it be the sister who says her husband beat her, or the poor family whose kids go hungry, or the child who is being raped by their father, and on and on, all of these problems require (1) tact; (2) patience; (3) extensive training; (4) interest in the person; (5) compassion; and (6) empathy.

    None of these traits are required to sell cheap books and magazines door-to-door.

    Therefore what I have maintained for years on this board and elsewhere online, is that Jehovah's Witnesses have the rules they do toward child abuse for the sole reason of silencing victims. Why? Because the victim is the one making the noise. The vicitim is the one who has the nerve of demanding something from the sect, rather than giving by selling those cheap and worthless magazines. It is a distraction, a way of diverting attention of 100 or so people who should be selling selling selling, and instead are focusing on a child who has been raped.

    Look at it, in this cold and corporate viewpoint and their attitude and behavior makes perfect sense. Even down to threats of disfellowingshipping, shunning and so on and especially how the offender himself is coddled and protected.

    Jehovah's Witnesses aren't interested in justice. They just want quiet. Look at what they do, rather than the platitudes they spew.


  • BabaYaga


    I had never hear of Lifton's Eight Criteria for Thought Reform before, but wow... what a great evaluation.

    It is just astounding how reading these things keeps putting the puzzle pieces together, and helps us make sense of our confusion and broken bits. I was out of the organization for years and still would have fought tooth and nail denying that the Witnesses were a cult. Little by little, the crusty layers crumble away.

    Thank you, Lady Lee.


  • HintOfLime

    I asked my dad why they didn't do anything for these victims, and his answer told everything:

    "If we reported to the police every time someone claimed sexual abuse - then there would be no way to protect the elders from false claims."

    I replied with something like "So... keeping the elders in power is more important than protecting children?"

    Which he abdomantly defended it with "Now you're twisting things. If we did it your way, everytime we counciled someone, they would just have their child claim we molested them if they didn't like what we had to say."

    - Lime

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    A few years back I wrote a piece called Mind Control Techniques and Jehovah's Witnesses I used this piece as the basis for the video that was done on JWs (a part of which can be seen on You Tube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vISWAgy_emg

    Lifton was the first fellow who researched Totalism and the mind control methods used on POWs in China and Chinese people who needed to be "re-educated". His book Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of Brainwashing in China.. Much of what we know about how cults work is based on his initial research.


    I agree that children are not consider important for the problems they bring with them. They are valued for their sales potential. I remember seeing demonstrations that suggested a young child could probably sell a book better than an adult - simply because it was so hard for people to sday no to them.


    We have had more than one elder here say he had enough of dealing with these problems - or perhaps NOT dealing with them. They felt inadequately trained to deal with such serious problems but the WTS gave them no way to really help but "more prayer, service and meetings"

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Why? Because the victim is the one making the noise.

    Big Tex you are so right, the victim is the one making the noise and causing the problems, if they would just shut up it would all go away and there wouldn't be a problem anymore.

    The Society only has respect for people that can serve them and benefit them somehow.

    They have no respect for liabilities like children, widows, orphans etc.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    WOW WOW What a statement


    The Society only has respect for people that can serve them and benefit them somehow

    I don't know that I would call that respect. They use people. When they cause trouble or are no longer useful they are history. Just one more form of abuse

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