WT Studies are Not About Spirituality

by White Dove 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Instead, they seems to be mostly about legalese, rules and such. There are some prophesy ones that they pull out of their butts, but aside from that it's all about following the rules better so god doesn't smote you. They are just so bossy in those mags.

  • flipper

    WHITE DOVE- Very true. When my mom or our lurking JW friend occasionally sends me the " witness only " WT's I notice how legalistic and bossy they are nowadays. And any of the " prophecies " they pull out of their butts are awfully smelly these days because they've been regurgitated in the bowels of the GB's intestines for decades now . Remember, some of these GB members are in their 90's - how much dissecting can they take !! ?? Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • loosie

    bowels of the GB's intestines

    governing body, bowels and intestines are not words that I ever want to hear in the same sentence again.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I think they go together quite nicely. I can't think of a better way of putting it.

  • VoidEater

    Of course not. The WTS long ago decided that "character" (a way of expressing spirituality) was irrelevent. As long as you followed the rules, that's all that was necessary. Quite a far cry from Christ fulfilling the law, eh?

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    And they aren't worried at all about giving the appearance of Pharisees. Every meeting, assembly, and publication is full of Pharisees.

  • Narkissos

    I keep the memory of a short period (in the second half of the 70s, when I decided to "pioneer") when the contents of The Watchtower sounded definitely more "spiritual" to me. I felt the difference from before, and I felt the fallback even more afterwards.

  • VoidEater

    ^For me it was the 60's. When the witch hunt start in the 70's I lost any remaining respect, and couldn't help smiling mirthlessly at the big 1975 build-up (Oh, notice what we're so carfeully NOT saying, oh, yes, it would be so FITTING, it would make so much SENSE, but of course we're not SAYING anything at all...!)

    Maybe the 60's was a time of finally recovering from Rutherford's rule, and everyone just felt a great sense of relief.

  • WTWizard

    I have noticed this about everything. What is so spiritual about wearing a dark colored suit with a white shirt under it, going out in 110 o heat all day, and doing everything exactly as prescribed? Nothing. What is so spiritual about getting rid of music because it might stumble someone? What about avoiding celebrating Christmas (which is, for many, a spiritual holiday)? Nothing.

    The fact is, I have found more spiritual satisfaction in science than in religion. When I see some cutting edge science on TV or online, that is more spiritually upbuilding for me than any church or Kingdumb Hell lecture ever will be. And, if I see something interesting on TV (particularly on the Science channel), and then research it online, I can get more information about how things actually work. Try that with the Asleep! magazine.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Correct. They are about keeping people in service to the Watchtower religion, period.

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