Experience at the Calif. Convention Email

by whereami 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • whereami

    Get ready to gag.

    *** For those of us who daily pray for our loved ones to turn to Jehovah
    quickly, this is a real shot in the arm!! ***

    The following experience was given at the Long Beach International
    convention on Sat afternoon.
    Bro Jeffrey Jackson related the following to impress on us the power of

    Jose was baptized in 1968 in Ecuador, but his family, a wife and 6
    children were opposed to him.
    They never let him study with them in his home.
    But something he could do was pray with and for his family at meals.
    He did this for 20 years. His family never responded though and in 1988
    Jose died.

    The family, now also grandchildren went to his funeral then came back
    One of the grandchildren, a girl, stood up and asked, "who will pray for
    us now that Grandfather is dead?"
    The family of course started to cry, then one of Jose's sons, Carlos
    up and said he would try to pray for the family.
    During the prayer, Carlos?asked forgiveness for the family for not
    becoming Witnesses.
    He then said?he would become a witness.

    20 years later and 19 members of Jose's family are in the truth and 10
    Carlos is an elder and one of the grandsons is at the branch in Ecuador.

    The thought was that Jose was ignorant of the power that his prayers
    had?and so are we.
    Keep on praying and know that they may be heard even if we?don't know it.

    During the telling of this experience Bro Jackson stopped.
    He was giving the talk in the Korean venue and his translator got choked
    up and couldn't keep going.
    Afterwards when he could start again the Korean brother and sisters
    clapped for him.
    We teared up and laughed at the same time

  • leavingwt


    I received this JW email yesterday.


    YOU ARE GONNA LOVE THIS! (This was shared with me by a sister who just had her convention)!

    We had Brother Jackson - one of the governing body - He had this neat illustration at the very end of the convention. He said what if you were watching a football game on TV and it was the Trojans against the fighting Irish ... and it's been a good game ... and it's coming down to the last seconds and the Trojans get the ball (then he stands like a football player ) and then he starts running ( and he picks up his foot like he's gonna take off) and you're glued to the TV just waiting to see what will happen ... and he makes it to the 30 then the 20 then the 10 yard line and he's at the one inch line and he stops. Yes, the guy with the ball stops and start looking around for the game clock . And he yells, how much time do I have left? You're staring at the TV in disbelief ! What do you do?

    You yell at the TV - IDIOT! RUN ! RUN YOU IDIOT! RUN !(Brother Jackson is yelling this from the stage)

    It was so hysterical - then he stops and says that's where you are.
    This system is dying. We're the event the universe is watching. We're at the one inch line and some are stopping and looking around and wondering where we are in the stream of time.
    IDIOT! RUN !
    Don’t look at the time just run ... run ... we're almost there.
    It was a very dramatic ending.

  • yknot

    Yep he said both of those in Houston too.....

    Glad to see he is better rehearsed then Morris!....

  • IWillBeDubbedNoMore

    I wonder if Jose kept his family captive with half hour prayers explaining JW teachings while their food got cold. Like the prays given at the end of assemblies

  • ldrnomo

    For everyone of those jose prayer stories there are probably 10 stories from the Mormons, 8 stories from the Baptists, 6 stories from the Pentacostals, 4 stories from the Presbateriens and 2 stories from the Lutherans

  • flipper

    If all the witnesses were smart they'd run back the opposite direction and score a touchdown for the OTHER team ! Better yet every time Jackson gives that talk at the next assemblies- secretly have some apostates prepared with like 100 footballs - and when he gets to that point in the talk - heave the balls all at once at him ! Would be freaking hilarious. Apostates 28 WT society 0

  • bluecanary

    Flipper you crack me up.

  • willyloman

    The football illustration is actually pretty good, from a dub point of view, and was probably popular with most of the guys. It does seem to honor the game and thus fly in the face of what other JW leaders have said about football, though. There were probably dubs gnashing their teeth over his use of the sports analogy. So much for unity of mind and thought.

  • foolsparadise

    He's from the governing body and hes watching a violent game of football and yelling idiot at the top of his voice? Watching a college football game. I thought those guys made the rule we are not supposed to go to college or get a higher education.

  • startingovernow

    Can you spell p-a-t-h-e-t-i-c ?

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