Not been on for AGES but need to rant

by billie jean 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • billie jean
    billie jean

    I've not used any boards for a long time because i felt i'd got what i needed from them and felt i needed to 'move on' for want of a better word.

    i've just come back from staying at my J.W parents house for a few days (which was long enough) we don't usually bring the subject of 'it' up but the other night i got it all, the bile was out, they were on defensive mode, to the point of shouting, insulting me, telling me that they'll 'cut me off' if they find out i'm apostate, then laughing at me and causing me to actualy feel worthless it was unreal. i told them i'm an atheist and tried to tell them what the 'truth' does and what it really is but i got absolutely nowhere. it was an experience i dont want to relive. i hope no one minds me writing this but i know it's the only place i can feel understood.

  • billie jean
    billie jean

    Haha i've noticed i've written 'bile' instead of bible, how very apt !!

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I am glad you came and shared this experience. I am sorry that you suffered it tho.

  • undercover

    This is the place to rant...

    And we do understand. Many of us have gone through similar things.

  • straightshooter

    Dealing with parents who don't understand or sympathetic is very difficult. I thought that there was a period of time that my father actually listened and reasoned on what I said. But when my father was dying he told me dogmatically that I was wrong and bad.

    Hopefully your parents will see what you are saying, but remember that you are living your own life not their lives in you.

  • leavingwt

    That sounds awful. I'm glad you shared it with us. I hope you don't have to experience it again. I'm sorry this happened to you.


  • wobble

    Thanks for coming back and posting BJ,

    It is soooo frustrating that you cannot cut through the cognitive dissonance with JW relatives.

    I also find it sad that they think they have the right to be so un-christian in the way they treat us.

    My hope is that if I can keep on talking sometimes to my family,that I can intrduce a small seed of an idea on each occasion, the problem is I have no patience anymore with utter BS and will call them on it,so as you say,most of the time the "Elephant in the Room" does not get mentioned.

    All the best for the future,



  • freedomisntfree

    It never ceases to amaze me how jw's exspect you to respect there beliefs and never question or speak againt them but they openly attack all other belief structures.

  • palmtree67

    I've been through that with my parents, too. Last November, in fact!! Same screaming, insulting, etc.

    Not fun. Sorry to hear it.

  • kitten whiskers
    kitten whiskers

    So sorry that you had to endure this. It is so hard to have your family treat you like they are a pack of wolves tearing you apart.

    I am glad you are now in a safe place and can come and vent and get some true love and friendship. I usually write my frustrations out in a journal. It helps and I can refer back to it later. (I am keeping it so that our children will know how we were treated in case anyone tries to brainwash them into thinking we were the evil ones!) At the least, these journals along with letters we were sent are my reminders of why we would never go back.

    Your post makes me so sad to know your heart was hurt so badly by those you love and traveled and sacrificed to go and visit. I am so sorry.

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