by BluesBrother 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BluesBrother

    This is the 4th study article, to be studied Christmas week as it happens. Title - "Maintaining Friendships in a Loveless World"

    para 2 "Today, what a pleasure it is to be associated with a worldwide organization whose members follow the pattern set by first century Christians. We are determined to obey Jesus' command to display genuine love for one another.However,during these last days, people in general are disloyal and fail to show natural affection (2 Tim 3 )The friendships they do form are often shallow and self serving. To keep our identity as Cristians, we must rise above such attitudes. Let us then consider the following ....."

    Scan of third page of article :

    The sentence in p 16 concludes as "I learned that we cannot make someone love Jehovah or love us. Ultimately, it is a personal choice."

    Any comment? I thought they present a warped negative view of freindships outside, and a lot of family I have inside would not recognize the rosy view of friendliness within. Of course any personal friendship is no stronger than being ordered to stop being friends by the elders. Sadly, I can recall doing that to someone myself once...

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Lets say it together: C U L T.

  • Will Power
  • purplesofa

    You can be firmly grounded in the truth, love Jehovah and still commit a disfellowshipping offense.

    The womans experiance sounds like she needs therapy herself for coming to the conclusions she did.

    My friend gets DF so now I must question my own motives for serving Jehovah.

    Sadly, as a JW you can only have JW friends.

  • Peaches1978

    this is all i can say about this article. I can't belive how low they go to just bash and talk trash about people in general. if you not in there click then your just an enemy to god. o'Please they can kiss my big latina a$$$....

  • startingovernow

    This article shows just how much the Society gives a warped view of friendship. So conditional.

  • yknot

    On the upside..... ain't it grand to know WT Lurkers are reading our posts and that they are 'worried', 'feel' and are 'seeing' this a big enough problem enough to comment and draw attention to this situation which they know will only grow more common!

    I say be careful WTS because if all who attend over friends and family left the WTS then most of your Kingdom Halls, Assemblies, and DCs would be pretty dang empty! Sure you would keep a few dyed in the wool but you would still lose many of those who just haven't given themselves permission to examine their doubts!

  • Scully

    And what kind of effing friends are the JWs who observe their "friend" making choices that True Christians™ wouldn't make, like going to college, or accepting a good-paying career instead of Pioneering™ and window-washing, and yet do absolutely eff-all to counsel them or express their concern for their spiritual well-being, and instead decide to gossip and slander people trying to better their personal situation?

    Those are the kinds of JW "friends" I had, and that includes every single one of my JW relatives. In fact, they are all very grateful for whatever free professional advice I can give them - it sometimes saves them a trip to the doctor, or in Mr Scully's case, it saves them some costly repairs. But we're just not worthy of their "friendship" on a social level.

    To hell with the lot of them. They want to be my friend when it's in their be$t intere$t$ to do so, but I'm treated like the spawn of Satan himself on any other occasion. With "friends" like that, who needs enemies?


    Just more WBT$ Crap..It`s always Crap..

    With friends like that,who needs Enema`s!..


  • daniel-p

    "I learned that we cannot make someone love Jehovah or love us. Ultimately, it is a personal choice."

    That says it right there. "Love Jehovah" and "love us" is in the same statement, encouraging people to always think of them as together, or one. So, if someone "turns their back on Jehovah, they're turning their back on you!"

    I'm reminded why I'm not in this stupid religion.

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