Serious question -- LIBIDO

by spaceghost 11 Replies latest social relationships

  • spaceghost

    Hi I'm kinda embarrassed to ask you this, but you people seem like an okay gang... I have a very low sex drive, and I don't know what to do about it. I love my bf, and I find him really attractive and all, but lately (2 months) it's been getting really hard on us. I just don't "feel" like having sex at all.

    Now I DON'T want to consult a doctor, and that's final. Now I'll make this short: I want to try one of those things that enhance your sex drive. I looked one over called "Natural libido booster (.com)" and I don't know what to think about it... I don't know much about this stuff but it says there are no side effects. I really need some help with this! Do any of you know about this thing? Does it work? Does anything work????

    I'd really like a reply, anything... THANKS.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Welcome, SpaceGhost!

    I don't have any experience with those herbal products.

    I would consider your age and fitness level. I 'm not asking you to reveal this personal information, but you might want to give it some thought. Once the animal (the body) is tuned up and feeling good, it will demand its due.

    I'm not saying you have to be a 20 year old Olympic athlete. Is your animal happy?

    by the way, SG, will you be conducting any interviews during your visits here?

  • AlanF

    I saw on TV the other day that a small does of testosterone worked wonders for a woman who had passed menopause. Naturally you'd have to consult a qualified doctor for more information.

    Loss of sex drive can be due to physical/emotional and/or outside factors. The sexual system in humans is driven by both physical and emotional factors which are intimately interconnected, and so virtually anything that affects one's body or emotions can contribute to lowered or heightened sex drive. Therefore your question is best answered by qualified people you can deal with in person and trust, who know all of your circumstances.


  • COMF

    What's the problem with consulting a doctor?


  • ballistic

    I really do feel sorry for all those JW kids who are taught not to have sex or even masterbate. Those hormones REALLY do rage a lot stronger at a young age.
    Personally, I drink a lot of beer (A LOT) and I find that works wonders for lowering sex drive. Perhaps you should cut down on the beer.

    sorry I know I'm not helping much.

  • Mindchild

    Hi there SpaceGhost and welcome to our wild and whacky world

    To answer your question, I might first ask you if you are taking any type of antidepressants or other meds that might effect your sex drive? It is quite common to experience low libido as a side effect from taking these meds and by changing your prescription you can see a remarkable difference.

    Most things you see advertised for increasing libido are hype. I've experimented a lot with things that increase the libido (mine is way too high but of course this is always important scientific research hahaha) and there are true aphrodesiacs that will make you so horny that you might just attack the nearest man that comes by. Problem is, most of these are illegal in our society because the powers that be feel you and I are not responsible enough to have such toys.

    Instead of looking then for chemicals that boost your sex drive I suggest something a bit different. I don't know beans about the ability of your boyfriend to please a woman during sex, but quite frankly most men don't have a clue. To them it is wham, bam, thank you dude and off they go to the fridge for a beer or whatever. I think sex should be long and intense and very frequent with new lovers. Men are capable of being multiple orgasmic just like women are. Men are also capable of giving women several different types of orgasms (breast, vaginal, g-spot) and making these long and intense but sad to say we don't want women to know that is our responsibility!

    I suggest then that you both look into ways of making sex much more pleasing and intense and satisfying. Get some good books on Tantric Sex or ways for a man to please a woman and practice using them. Both of you should soon find your libido sky high, and you will be posting next time on how to lower it!

    Kind Regards,


  • lauralisa

    Hi Spaceghost,

    Some additional information would be helpful - both to you, and for those from whom you asked for feedback.

    How old are you?

    Do you like yourself?

    Are you clinically depressed? (lack of sex drive is one indicator, as is anhedonia (inability to feel pleasure) erratic sleep patterns, anxiety, etc.)

    Would you change anything about your body? If so, what would you change?

    Are you physically healthy?

    Were you raised a jw - are you living in a situation that is condemned by their teachings?

    This information may give you a "direction" to go in in seeking help. I hope you seek to find relief from the causes, and not just blast at the symptoms - they'll only return in the future.

    I know a lot about this subject. It isn't fun. But it can get wayyyyyyy better!


    ps say hi to Brac

  • ashitaka

    I think it's all relative. I thought I was a sexual animal until I met my wife. Now I've hired security guards so she won't take advantage of me anymore when I sleep.


  • Celia

    You are still quite young I assume...
    In this case, speaking from experience... Hmm hmm..
    You just don't have the right partner yet.
    He may be handsome, and you may think you love him, but...
    when the right guy shows up, you'll know it, you won't be able to wait all day for him to come home, and you'll spend all of your free time in the sack, or in the shower, or on the couch, or on the kitchen table, or wherever...
    Aah... memories...

  • spaceghost

    Thanks for all your cool support! I wasn't expecting so many replies. The thing is this: sex "was" an important part of our relationship. We'd get it on 2 or 3 times a week. But then it just started to diminish... I just got less and less of an urge to do it. Don't get me wrong, my bf knows how to do it right, I've never had any big complaints! But now... I don't know. I'm not stressed out or anything, it's just weird...

    As for consulting a doctor... No thanks.

    And about being raised JW, yes I was. But I don't have any problems with that: I take some, I leave some.

    In any case, I'll try and search around the net some more for info on that Libido Booster thing-a-ma-jig...

    Be back soon, and thanks for all the help! You guys are really cool and friendly!

    PS - Brak says hi! And Zorak hisses at you all!

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