Shawna Forde is my half sister !

by oldflame 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • oldflame

    This is what she did and I am very upset.

    Yes, where is the mainstream media and where is Obama's DOJ in this case? But most of all where are our elected leaders? I have not heard one word from Antonio Villaraigosa, Bill Richardson or any of our members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. Also, not a word from MALDEF or the NCLR.

    Ernesto Cienfuegos

    Originally Posted by poor ass chicano
    great job by Voz de Aztlan for keeping on top of minutemen and vigilante crimes against the raza..they deserve alot of credit for this..
    i agree with ECienfuegos..where is the press coverage on this's practically non-existent in the media..and where the hell is obama and his jive ass department of justice on this.. could it be they are only interested in hate crimes commited against black or white people only?? they haven't said diddly about this atrocity...this is one of the worst hate crimes ever committed against people of color and they don't say shit or give a rats ass because the victims were just mexicans..
    where the hell is sotomayor on this?..she hasnt said shit about this either.. bunch of goddamn phonies both republicans and democrats..they use the raza for votes then forget they even exist after elections..

    Minutemen murderers will kill again

    Ernesto Cienfuegos
    La Voz de Aztlan

    Gina Flores says Forde was ordering the Minutemen during the home invasion and was talking on a walkie-talkie throughout the incident.
    Los Angeles, Alta California - June 24, 2009 - (ACN) Anyone who thinks that the brutal murders by the Minutemen in Arivaca, Arizona are their first and last should read this report very carefully. La Voz de Aztlan has been monitoring and reporting on these border vigilantes since the year 2000 and we are very familiar with their history and their operations along the US/Mexico border. There is a lot more behind the heinous murder of the Flores family than most people know.

    When the leader of the Minutemen American Defense organization Shawna Forde, the organization's director of field operations Jason Eugene Bush, local guide Albert Robert Gaxiola and others, invaded the Flores home on May 30th and killed 10-year old Brisenia and her father Raul and attempted to murder her mother Gina, they did not act alone. Gina Flores told police that Shawna Forde was yelling orders to the other Minutemen in her house and talking to others on a walkie-talkie throughout the incident. They also had a vast network of anti-Mexican bigots helping them that includes national anti-immigrant organizations, right wing extremist Republican politicians, racist pundits in the media and a few rogue law enforcement agents operating at the local, state and federal levels.

    Everyone knows that hate crimes against Mexican and other Latino immigrants have risen exponentially in the past ten years. There is a very definite and clear reason why this has occurred. La Voz de Aztlan has also been monitoring and reporting on anti-Mexican hate crimes since the year 2000 and can tie the rise of the Minutemen vigilante movement with the rise in hate crimes against immigrants of Mexican descent. We can, without doubt, state that the rise of the Minutemen and other anti-Mexican organizations parallels exactly the rise in hate crime against Latinos and it all started when eugenicist, population control fanatic and anti-Mexican bigot John Tanton of US Incorporated started funding organizations like the Federation for Immigration Reform (FAIR), Glenn Spencer's American Border Patrol/Voices of Citizens Together, US English and many more White supremacist organizations. In fact, the murderess of the Flores family Shawna Forde has now been tied to John Tanton's FAIR (See video below) and to Glenn Spencer's American Border Patrol that now operates out of a ranch along the Arizona/Mexican border. Minuteman killer Shawna Forde was arrested by the FBI on June 12 at the American Border Patrol ranch owned by Glenn Spencer. More on this later.

    John Tanton- The multimillionaire and vile White supremacist racist is considered to be the "Father of the Anti-Mexican Vigilante Movement."
    Glenn Spencer-Leader of American Border Patrol is a John Tanton and Shawna Forde collaborator.
    La Voz de Aztlan first became acquainted with Glenn Spencer here in Los Angeles when he first started hate-mongering against Mexicans on local radio back in the year 2000. He had a group, funded by John Tanton, called Voices of Citizens Together (VCT). That is when he started ranting about "too many Mexicans taking over Los Angeles" and about "a conspiracy by Mexicans to take over the US Southwest." It appears that Spencer became frustrated with his lack of success here in Los Angeles and started forming alliances with vigilante ranchers in Cochise and Pima Counties in Arizona. He finally joined up with the notorious vigilante rancher Roger Barnett and on May 13 of 2000 they organized a large conference at the Windemere Hotel in Sierra Vista, Arizona to which they invited every White supremacist in the USA to come to Arizona to have some "Fun in the Sun." (See ) Among those in attendance were members of the Arizona 9th District of the Imperial Wizards of the Klux Klax Klan. One proposal made at the conference was to place anti-personnel military land mines along the pathways in the desert used by Mexican migrant workers. During the conference and soon after, numerous dead bodies of Mexican migrant workers started showing up in the desert in Pima and Cochise counties. One gruesome case occurred between Sasabe and Arivaca, Arizona on May 12, 2000 when the vigilantes were arriving for the conference. (See ) The Sierra Vista border vigilante conference was the seed of the now murderous Minutemen movement.
    Soon after the infamous vigilante conference in Sierra Vista, and we are of the opinion that it was on orders from John Tanton, Glenn Spencer abandoned Voices of Citizens Together in Los Angeles and moved to Arizona where he formed the organization American Border Patrol (ABP). He lived in Sierra Vista until the town booted him out after he shot up the place with a .357 magnum rifle. Glenn Spencer was arrested on August 2, 2003 and charged with three felonies after taking out his rifle and shooting wildly inside his home. One shot pierced his neighbor's garage door. (See ) Spencer was told that he was no longer welcomed in town so he bought and moved to the ranch near Sierra Vista where Minutemen leader Shawna Forde was arrested by the FBI on June 12. His friend, the vigilante rancher Roger Barnett soon disappeared from the scene after he was sued twice by his Mexican and Mexican-American victims. He lost both cases in a Tucson court. (See ). One very interesting but little known fact is that Glenn Spencer was a member of the now defunct terrorist organization called the Jewish Defense League (JDL). Apparently, both of his daughters are married to persons of Jewish descent. (See )

    vigilante rancher Roger Barnett was a cohort of Glenn Spencer. Barnett and his brother Don have disappeared after losing to MALDEF in a court suit.
    Shawna Forde during border operation with Spencer agent Wes Fleming and CIA operative Joseph Adams
    Today Glenn Spencer is in big trouble again. According to police and press reports, Spencer has given sanctuary and has aided an abetted Shawna Forde in at least one occasion. Glenn Spencer himself says in a statement explaining the presence of Shawna Forde at his ranch on the day of her arrest, "As she left (his house) she asked if she could return the next day and retrieve something she left in the RV. I said OK. (Last summer I let Forde and her daughter use ABP’s RV for about a week.)" Spencer then adds, "With the exception of allowing her to use our RV, I have never had any dealings with Shawna Forde. She has never participated in any of ABP’s border work and none of our people have participated in any Minuteman border operation, including those involving Shawna Forde." This last Spencer statement contradicts a report by journalist Art Ricker of the Galena Gazette published on April 22, 2008.
    Art Ricker was on special assignment covering the Minutemen and he met up with Shawna Forde at the Spencer ranch at the end of March 2008. Ricker reports, "I spent Saturday afternoon at a ranch, on the Mexican border, owned by Glenn Spencer, the president of American Border Patrol. Later that day we left the ranch and headed south to an area referred by the border patrol as the Tucson Station." Ricker continues, "Traveling along with me were: Shawna Forde, president of Minutemen America Defense (MAD); her daughter; and an employee of Spencer's ranch, Wes Fleming. Our area of interest was north of Sasabe, Ariz., known as Caballo Loco." This last statement by Ricker contradicts Spencer's that "none of our people have participated in any Minuteman border operation, including those involving Shawna Forde."

    joseph Adams with former President George Bush
    Joseph Adams with former US Attorney General Ashcroft,
    Wes Fleming is a paid agent of Glenn Spencer and he was involved in a border operation with Shawna Forde near Sasabe, Arizona. In fact, during the border operation Wes Fleming, Shawna Forde and the journalist met up and camped out with the well known CIA operative and professional mercenary Joseph Adams of "Nicaraguan Contra/Crack Cocaine Scandal" fame. Joseph Adams has friends in very high Republican Party circles including ties with former President George Bush and with former Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Barak. (See photos). He was also the CIA assigned security specialist for the Nicaraguan CIA lackey Adolfo Calero. Are you beginning to get the picture? Ask yourselves, what interest would a high level CIA operative previously involved with contras who have been suspected in the smuggling of tons of cocaine into the US to fund a counter-revolution in Nicaragua have with Shawna Forde and an agent of the John Tanton funded Glenn Spencer? Has not Shawna Forde been accused of a similar thing, and that was to steal from drug smugglers to fund the Minutemen American Defense organization? Chuck Stonex, a member of Forde's Minutemen, has been quoted by news reports as saying that Shawna Forde always had a "lot of cash with her." Stonex was camped, along with Shawna Forde and other Minutemen, just outside Arivaca and has admitted that he treated a wound of Jason Eugene "Gunny" Bush inflicted by Gina Flores soon after the murders. (See photos at the bottom of the page at
    Joseph Adams with former Prime Minister of Israel Ehud Barak.
    Joseph Adams with Nicaraguan CIA lackey Adolfo Calero and Contra leaders
    In our close to ten years of covering anti-Mexican activities in the USA we have noticed certain peculiarities in the investigation of hate crimes and border vigilantism that leads us to believe that certain rogue law enforcement agents are protecting and even colluding with the criminals either because of their racist political beliefs or for monetary gain or both. This situation has occurred primarily in the state of Arizona. There have been two major incidents in the state where paramilitary groups have assaulted, killed and robbed Mexicans in vehicles in broad daylight on major highways and escaped. These major crimes were never solved and have now been forgotten. The crimes were blamed on Mexican drug cartels and on coyotes. Where these two assaults committed by the Minutemen instead? In the Arivaca, Arizona assault, the Minutemen killers were dressed as police officers. The Minutemen came back to the home to make sure everyone was dead. If the brave Gina Flores had not fought back. surely all would have died. There would have been no witnesses and the murders for sure would have been blamed on drug cartels or coyotes.

    Yes, unfortunately we believe that the Minutemen murderers will kill again. These killings will probably escalate if the present situation continues and the Minutemen continue to obtain the support of racist pundits in the media like Lou Dobbs, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity and many others on local radio and television. These merchants of hate have all cheered the Minutemen on their programs yet have said nothing of the cruel assassination of 9-year-ol Brisenia and her father Raul. Yes, the Minutemen murderers will kill again as long as they have the support of Republican right-wing extremists like the former congressman from Colorado Tom Tancredo. Shawna Forde was a big supporter of Tom Tancredo when he was running for US president and the Tom Tancredo campaign attended a Shawna Forde Minutemen anti-immigrant rally in Everett, Washington in 2007.
    Yes, unfortunately we believe that the Minutemen murderers will kill again as long as the US Department of Justice does nothing to enforce the racial hate laws which the Minutemen have violated numerous times. The Latino community, in order to stop future killing of our families, must insist that President Barack Obama declare the Minutemen a domestic terrorist organization. If this does not occur, we may be left with only one alternative and that is to prepare to do what the courageous Gina Flores did, after midnight, in her home, while her daughter and husband laid dead in the living room, in Arivaca, Arizona on May 30th of 2009. (Hear Gina Flores calling 911 for help that horrible night at

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Wow, Old Flame, I don't know what to say to this. I posted a poem by Pablo Nerudo on another thread about racism. I think I will re-post here too. The answer too racism lies within. So simple and so eloquent.

    Too Many Names

    Mondays are meshed with Tuesdays
    and the week with the whole year.
    Time cannot be cut
    with your weary scissors,
    and all the names of the day
    are washed out by the waters of night.

    No one can claim the name of Pedro,
    nobody is Rosa or Maria,
    all of us are dust or sand,
    all of us are rain under rain.

    They have spoken to me of Venezuelas,
    of Chiles and of Paraguays;
    I have no idea what they are saying.
    I know only the skin of the earth
    and I know it is without a name.

    When I lived amongst the roots
    they pleased me more than flowers did,
    and when I spoke to a stone
    it rang like a bell.

    It is so long, the spring
    which goes on all winter.
    Time lost its shoes.
    A year is four centuries.

    When I sleep every night,
    what am I called or not called?
    And when I wake, who am I
    if I was not while I slept?

    This means to say that scarcely
    have we landed into life
    than we come as if new-born;
    let us not fill our mouths
    with so many faltering names,
    with so many sad formalities,
    with so many pompous letters,
    with so much of yours and mine,
    with so much of signing of papers.

    I have a mind to confuse things,
    unite them, bring them to birth,
    mix them up, undress them,
    until the light of the world
    has the oneness of the ocean,
    a generous, vast wholeness,
    a crepitant fragrance.

    - Pablo Neruda

  • oldflame


    let us not fill our mouths
    with so many faltering names,
    with so many sad formalities,
    with so many pompous letters,
    with so much of yours and mine,
    with so much of signing of papers

    Amen friend, I too am not one to say anything bad about someone just because of their color because white is a color too and I am no one to judge another. It is just killing me inside that my sister whom I loved so much has turned into something I could of never imagined. A hater ! Then to top it off after the murders she came here to my town and robbed me and friends of my mothers. If you google her name you will find much more than just this article and you will read where and how I fit into this very strage puzzle.

    I could of never thought that my sister could go this far down, she put herself on the lowest of the lowest level of life there ever was and to think that now she may die for her crimes hurts me more than ever because she leaves 2 children behind to have to live with these thoughts for the rest of their lives.

    Oldflame (Merrill)

  • quietlyleaving

    thanks for sharinging that oldfame

    wow that poem says a lot of hearfelt stuff and I like how he ends

    I have a mind to confuse things,
    unite them, bring them to birth,
    mix them up, undress them,
    until the light of the world
    has the oneness of the ocean,
    a generous, vast wholeness,
    a crepitant fragrance.

    had to look up crepitant. It means to "crackle noisily" in a general ordinary dictionary. So a vast, generous wholeness bursting noisily with fragrance. Marvellous

  • oldflame

    It is a very powerful poem isn't it ?


    Interesting news source. La Voz de Aztlan is listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

  • beksbks

    Lot's of hate groups out there, no one has ever tried to stop them.

  • oldflame

    They may not have went after the hate groups in the past but I think thats about to change.


    From everything I have read about this incident, and I don't read La Voz de Aztlan (an ethnic hate group), most of the border security groups are distancing themselves from this incident and the alleged perp.

    Secondly, I don't think that wanting the government to do what it is Constitutionally obliged to do, namely, protecting the border from illegal crossing, and organizing people to do so is racist. Sadly, misguided groups like La Voz de Aztlan, the National Council of La Raza (translated into English as "The Race"), MEChA, or any other ethno-centric Latino group see this view as racist. The reason is simple. They know they are wrong. Therefore when a minority ethnic or racial group is fundamentally wrong, they call those that are against them racist rather than engage in substantive debate.

  • oldflame


    I could not agree with you more, I did not realize that this was a hate group I was just using the article to post some information about what I am dealing with in my life right now.

    I believe that there are good minutemen out there who are doing a good job without being racist. Unfortunantly my sister was not one of them, she is a hater. If you google her name you will find that she was involved with several hate groups that we did not even know about untill the arrest. Not only did she commit murder but then afterwards came here to California and robbed my house while I was on vacation.

    I never felt like I had to have a gun in my home but today I sleep with a pistol under my pillow, I used to sleep soundly all night but now every little bump, creek I wake up, so now I am sleep deprived. Being robbed is like being rapped it is a terrible violation that is hard to get over. Anyway there will be more to come on this and I will have to be in Tucson in about 6 months for the trial to testify against my own sister. That alone will be very difficult but something I have to do as I do not condone this act at all.

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