Which is worse: thinking or raping children?

by Mr Ben 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    Which is worse: thinking for yourself or raping children? Most sane people in the world, whether religious or not would clearly say the latter was the worse, and worse by as large a margin as could be conceived. Unless, that is, you are a Jehovah's Witness.

    In Jehovah Land, thinking anything contrary to the organisation is the worst of crimes

    From the very outset of his rebellion Satan… promoted independent thinking. …To this day, it has been Satan’s subtle design to infect God’s people with this type of thinking… How is such independent thinking manifested? A common way is by questioning the counsel that is provided by God’s visible organization. (The Watchtower, Jan 15th, 1983, p22)
    Indeed, even looking at the writing of someone who has cross-examined the Society’s literature is worthy of sexual mutilation as a fitting punishment
    We enjoy the blessing of continued freedom from religious error, but to keep that liberty, we must reject apostasy… Paul wished that advocates of circumcision seeking to subvert the Galatians’ faith not just be circumcised but get themselves sexually mutilated. Strong language indeed! But we must be just as firm in rejecting apostasy if we are to maintain our God-given freedom from religious error. (The Watchtower, Mar 15th, 1992, p20)
    A person who criticises the Society openly faces disfellowshiping as a certainty if they refuse to recant. What happens to a child molester if they say they are sorry after being caught? I will give a personal testimony:

    About 4 years ago an MS in Bradford, West Yorkshire, England, was exposed as being a serial child molester. This included children at the Kingdom Hall, at the District Assembly in Leeds, as well as local non-JW children in our area. He had been perpetrating these crimes for 15 years or so. He had been appointed as an MS for about 3-4 years before getting caught. The only reason it wasn’t hushed up was because one of the children told their mother who made it clear that if the elders did not deal with it properly then she would go to the police. Faced with being turned in anyway, he confessed and “repented”. Thankfully he went to prison for his crimes. But, according to “Jehovah’s representative Government on earth”, The Society, he deserved no greater punishment than being publicly rebuked and removed from his post. That’s it. Nothing more. Not a word of the danger he posed to other children, not a word of warning – it was several months later that the local newspaper brought everything to light, but nothing would have been known had it not been for our local reporters.

    What makes it even sadder is that one of the girls abused has had her loving uncle & aunty disfellowshiped over exposing The Society’s lies. They are apparently deserving of death, whilst this bastard John was free to associate with her.

    Since then he has been released from prison and moved, I believe, to Bristol, Avon. Whilst he will never hold another position of responsibility in the Borg, he will be viewed as a trusted “brother” to the dubs in the new congregation and trusted “uncle” to more young children who do not know he is a pervert.

    This prompted a series of questions for me:

    1. John was an approved man, his appointment taking place after roughly 11-12 years of abusing children.
    2. According to WT teachings, he was approved or appointed by the Holy Spirit at the same time he was attacking children.

    The only logical conclusion is that either the Holy Spirit approves of paedophiles, or The Society’s claim that Holy Spirit appoints their men is a lie.

    I think the overall conclusion is clear. In Jehovah Land, whilst child abuse is obviously not approved of, child abuse clearly isn’t nearly as bad as criticising the organisation.

    Religion n.
    An organisation designed to promote atheism.

  • ballistic

    Ben, as you probably know, one news paper likes to publish the pictures of known sex offenders. We could go one better. If we can get pictures of this guy and others, we could have a JW sex offender list. Maybe E-man, who lives near Bristol, could put this particular guys picture up on the Bristol kingdom hall door?

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben


    Giving pictures/details even on the web might be breaking the law, and the Society don't hesitate to sue where possible if it damages them in some way.

    Duh! There can't be reporting restrictions or it wouldn't have been in my local rag! His name is John Miller, he is about 6 feet & 2 inches, grey hair, about 58 years old, and is Glaswegian.

    Religion n.
    An organisation designed to promote atheism.

  • anewperson

    I'm in the U.S. but wouldn't be surprised if some of you there in the U.K. searched directories such as AOL and yahoo to locate emails of persons living in whatever area the child molestor will be attending the kingdom hall at. Often you just type in the name of the nation and a particular town then out pops matching emails. John Miller can run to hide in the Kingdom Halls but he can also be exposed to the public who in turn will tell the JWs with children at such halls. Now that's my opinion. What do you think? Do you also guess somebody just might maybe do that for the safety of the children?

  • BluesBrother

    Strong stuff and a terrible story.

    A good point about appointments by the H/S , or not. I realised after a little while on a body of elders that it was balony to claim that H/S had anything to do with it.

    Child abuse is awful, and your outrage is shared by us all, but it would be wrong to give the impression that the congregations are a seething mass of perverted passion. Their code of conduct and concience and rule keeping mentality would help to dissuade it.

    lets not forget that this is a problem affecting all society, as our newspapers make us painfully aware. I am sure that the amount of abuse within the congs. is very much less than the world in general. The elders that I worked with are family men who would have no truck with such crimes.

    Central policy may not want them to reveal details to the law , I have not been involved for a while so I cannot say

    Where it happens though ,it must be exposed. i hope that the Bristol brothers get wind of it and take care.

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben


    It is absolutely true that most ordinary dubs would be outraged as you have said. I was pointing out the incongruity of the relative punishments as viewed (supposedly) by God, as well as showing the falseness of the claim about HS.

    It is also important to recognise that JW children are taught not to trust non-witnesses but that they can trust brothers & sisters especially if they are Ministerial Servants or Elder. This puts these men in a position of trust which is easily abused given the secrecy sometimes afforded such ones once they are caught. It seems that men who are inclined to abuse children may be attracted to organisations with a reputation to cover over such scandals. Of course, you are right that this problem is not exclusive to the Witnesses.

    Religion n.
    An organisation designed to promote atheism.

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben


    Could you provide details of how to go about this? I'm sure it would be useful to others too.

    Religion n.
    An organisation designed to promote atheism.

  • dungbeetle

    There is a part of this problem exclusive to Witneses, and I hope it doesn't get forgotten.

    No other religion orders their adherents who are convicted child molesters to people's doors, some who haven't even finished their criminal cases yet. NO OTHER!!!


  • Englishman

    Mr Ben,
    Cover your self legally by using the word "allegedly" if you wish to describe his activities at the same time as using his name.

    I can make toast out of him, I have the contacts.


    Bring on the dancing girls!

  • nelly136

    well it might be an idea to phone the police and ask
    whether said bloke has registered on the sex offenders list in the area that he has moved to

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