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Something Big Is Happening To the WT Mag.
by metatron 49 Replies latest jw friends
It is surely just a matter of time until they produce one monthly combined placing mag, called the "Watchtower & Awake!"
The WBTS magazines are very cheeply made, take a look at the Herald magazine put out by the Bible Students, much nicer, and they don't have to own their own printing press's, besides they don't find the need to control ever facet of your life, to me that is the mark or true religion or at the very lest one that I like.
Any standard format magazine or book is produced on the press and has to use so much paper.
look at Sci-fi books or Romantic fiction - you will often find several blank pages at the back, which have nothing on them .
The WT is a standard format, but they dont want to leave blank pages like in Romantic or Horror fiction. Newspapers and magazines use "fillers " in these situations. But the WT contributors lack the imagination to write anything we really want to read.
As for tithing -
Remember the WT picture of a man kneeling and praying after pouring out a drink offering_ "a tenth of everything i have I shall give to you" was the subtitle. The seed is already planted.
"It is surely just a matter of time until they produce one monthly combined placing mag, called the "Watchtower & Awake!"
The Wawake..The Awwatchtower..The WatchAwake..The Awaketower..The Awakewatch..
The seed is already planted.
Gentle nudges....little by little....then one day BOOM! The dirty deed is done. (And you didn't even need Vasoline!) -
How about the "wah-wah-wah" - they have all been soo let down...
Well, next months topic is "Should I arrive at the Kingdom Hall ten minutes early?"
Olin Moyles Ghost
It makes sense for the WTS to combine the public WT and Awake into a single journal. It would not surprise me if that plan has been in the works for years. This would leave the WT magazine as an internal publication--which it was for decades. I don't know the exact year, but it was not until the 1930s that the JWs started distributing the WT magazine to the public. Before that, they distributed WT books and booklets as well as the Golden Age, but not the WT.
Thus, I think it would not be a big deal for the WT to pull back to 2 mags per month: a public Awake and a private Watchtower. Makes perfect sense. The faithful will view it as another sign that The End is right around the corner, and the FDS is wisely streamlining operations so that the JWs will be adequately fed with spiritual food when the imminent Great Tribulation starts...etc.
I've noticed an increased emphasis on tracts since the late 80s/early 90s. After we switched to the donation arrangement, I recall a number of pioneers using tracts in the door to door work. You don't want to be on the hook for a bunch of brochures, mags, and books when the householders don't donate (and nobody asked for donations at the door anyway, did they?).
It seems reasonable that within the next five years or so, the monthly literature offers will be all tracts. No need to waste books on the initial call; save them for RVs and Bible Studies.
But I highly doubt the WTS will institute tithing. One of the distinguishing features of the JW/Witness religious movement is the way donations are handled. Just like loyal JWs would balk at the passing of a collection plate, they would balk at the WTS instituting tithing. That's my opinion anyway.