A new cable for faster service will now put South Africa and much of the rest of the continent on the Internet Super Highway. This means Africans will be discovering the TRUTH about "The Truth" at a rapidly increasing pace. ExJWs there will be connecting with ExJWs around the world, etc. Armageddon is hitting the Watchtower Society in Africa. The reason why I find this very significant is when checking site statistics on our website www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com (that is the amount of traffic coming in to the site) it more than doubled on the 23 of July. To test if this is a direct relationship to Africa now on a faster superhighway or a coincidence maybe some other webmasters could check their stats and see if their numbers went up as well. http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/07/22/seacom.on/index.html
New internet connection for South Africa...spells Armageddon for Watchtower Org!
by koolaid-man 4 Replies latest jw friends
I know most Africans would not have computers, perhaps in South Africa there would be more, but I hope to those who do have computers can get the facts out about JWs more quickly. With the reality of most of their lives, the JW world has nothing substantial to offer them, only damage. The Watchtower Society is only interested in what it can take and get from the people so will not prove to be truly helpful, loving, nor supportive for their needs.
The world is constantly getting more hooked up. Information is the main thing on the Super Highway, and information is bad for the WT Cult. I have heard of the push to provide cheaper technology to reach more people. It's a matter of a short time before even the poorest and the most remote people have on onramp to the information Super Highway.
Meanwhile, the faithful JW's keep pushing the lies from WTS. There will keep being new ones suckered in for awhile yet, but the cult will soon not be able to recruit enough people to fill the halls as the members wake up and leave.
Koolaid-Man, I don't know that it will be as fast as you hope. It could be. It could be.
the Internet is pretty much like an electricity grid
the high speed cable you mention is like a very high voltage cable connecting major parts of the grid
it doesn't affect (in any way) the 'last mile' connections people have coming into their homes
if the local ISP's are able to upgrade their customers connection speeds or mobile providers can build out a 3G network this is what will make a difference to the end user
One reason maybe it went up yesterday is because of your posting
Make August 2009 the dawn of the "mass exodus"...the beginning of the end of the Watchtower org
I know I went to the site to check it out. I don't know if this is the reason or not for the increase in traffic to the site.
Anything to get the word out to more people is Great.