This is taken from another board (with the OP's permission); I think it's an idea worth sharing: ACTION!!!
All Ex-dubs and Dubs-on-their-way-out and Still-Active-Dubs and whoever else sympathises with the plight of those virtually imprisoned in the Watchtower organization : listen up!
Please join me in a letter-writing project to try and make the Society change it's stand on the shunning by family members of JWs that simply want to leave their religion.
For those who missed it: The July 2009 Awake featured an article on page 28 and 29 called: "“Is it Wrong to Change Your Religion?” This is a quote from it: “No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family.” (See threadviewtopic.php?f=5&t=2726&hilit=awake+july+2009). Rifter made a great video on the subject.
This is the perfect situation for a concerted action against the shunning practices by JWs.
All you need is a friend who doesn't mind lending his/her name and address.
How does it work?
Write a letter to the Society as if you were an interested one who read above article in the Awake! Make it dramatic! You sympathize with the Witnesses, but after reading this you are seriously wondering how JWs treat anyone that wants to leave THEIR religion. You have heard of a friend that was raised as a witness, wants to leave the church, but can not, because he/she would be shunned by relatives if they did. I leave the rest to your own imagination.
You can refer to Scriptures (make sure you don't use a New World Translation), to reason, to emotion, to law, to science, to the media. Make it individual, believable, powerful. Not necessarily aggressive. I think the 'brothers' are primed to respond to interest, not to attacks. The letter will have maximum impact if read by many, which would be the case if the letter is taken as a serious endangerment to someone's 'progress' towards the truth.
How to prep your friend(s)
Give them a copy of your letter (but send it yourself). Explain the situation. They might get a visit from the witnesses. Discuss what they can do (nothing / deny writing it / discuss / argumentate, but never mention your name). If they get a written response, make sure you get it.
When do we start?
NOW! The July Awake has been used in field service. Letters of Readers should start coming in.
Can I write more than one letter?
DEFINITELY. But make them different from one another. If you have a whole group of friends in an atheist discussion club who sympathize with the issue, let them join in. They might start writing their own letters.
Can I try to get other people to join in
ABSOLUTELY. Post this project wherever you can. There is a danger that The Soc may get wind of it, but how are they going to tell a 'true' letter of indignation by an interested person from a 'forged' one?
I have another idea. Can I start my own project?
OF COURSE. Speak to journalists, cult support organisations, human rights groups. Make a billboard and demonstrate in front of Bethel. Make crop circles with the message in it. The more the better. I will join your project, but please join mine first.
I can't write such a letter. Will you help me?
YES! But you have to make sure you have a friend or friends who make their name and address available.
I want to use my own name and address.
FINE. But your letter may be sent back to the local congregation and the local elders may pay you a visit.
Anything else?
MAYBE. I'll keep you posted, if you keep me posted. Let me know if there were reacions.
Can I add a suggestion?
BY ALL MEANS. I'm all ears.
ACTION! Letter to the Watchtower Society on SHUNNING
by Mickey mouse 19 Replies latest jw friends
Mickey mouse
I doubt they would ever change... If they did, there numbers would be cut in half and they know it... They will say that people in fact can leave there religion without being d'ffed or disassociated... If a family member chooses on there own to shun because they feel they are bad association, then that is there choice. We all know the truth, but that's what they would say...
But what if I don't want them to stop shunning me?
Don't waste your time trying to intimidate the Society into doing something. They don't care. They ONLY care if something costs them $$$.
Wait a minute....
These guys are convinced that:
-- they are the only people in the universe in communication with God...
-- they alone, out of 7 billion people, are the "Governing Body" of the only true religion on earth....
-- God chose them alone, and they will go to heaven and rule over the earth...
-- they are uniquely "anointed with holy spirit"...
....and they're gonna change one of their most cherished policies because a few hundred disgruntled ex-members write them letters?
Don't hold your breath, guys.
Mickey mouse
Well at least he's trying.
I wonder if this letter idea should be addressed to someone in political authority.
Mickey mouse
Personally I agree that it won't make any difference to the society if we write to them but I have written to a couple of journalists and had positive responses.
I wonder if this letter idea should be addressed to someone in political authority.
What if it's written the the BORG and somebody in political authority is cc'd?
I'm struck by how negative this thread has become already and how positive the thread on JWR is. Very, very interesting.
Haven't you guys heard of the tipping point?